Extreme Android User
For those who use Chrome, Linux seems to be full-on against using Chrome as a browser and wants you to use SeaMonkey or Firefox. There is a chromium browser but it never saw a connection to the Internet on OpenSUSE. Never did figure that one out.
The good news is Firefox works great and stable in OpenSUSE, and didn't like to crash with multiple tabs open like it loved doing in Ubuntu or Kubuntu. Firefox also crashes a lot in android, even when it's just sitting there. You'd be scrolling a site, and out of the blue, a pop-up saying 'sorry, but Firefox has crashed' leaving me going 'wha? It was not even doing anything!'
The good news is Firefox works great and stable in OpenSUSE, and didn't like to crash with multiple tabs open like it loved doing in Ubuntu or Kubuntu. Firefox also crashes a lot in android, even when it's just sitting there. You'd be scrolling a site, and out of the blue, a pop-up saying 'sorry, but Firefox has crashed' leaving me going 'wha? It was not even doing anything!'