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LiQuID FroZeN YoGurT v1.3 (FRG22 ROM Built From Source - FAST!!!) | Motorola Droid

Poll closed due to new release for this ROM

  • 5 Star ROM Rating: Elite

    Votes: 28 75.7%
  • 4 Star ROM Rating: Outstanding

    Votes: 6 16.2%
  • 3 Star ROM Rating: Average

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • 2 Star ROM Rating: Not Ready for Primetime

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1 Star ROM Rating: Not Usable

    Votes: 1 2.7%

  • Total voters
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LOL Thanks! I was just going to post that but I hate quoting myself! :D

I should have made a disclaimer that said...PERFORM A BACKUP first! ;)

Always...always...always perform a backup before flashing anything (ROM, theme, kernel, etc)...it's just good practice.

Formatting the BOOT and SYSTEM partitions is optional. NOTE: It will delete your current operating system but so will flashing a new ROM :p so there is really no reason not to IMO. It cleans out the cobwebs! LOL

OMJ also has a nice guide listed here: http://androidforums.com/roms-droid/118513-how-install-custom-rom.html

Edit: I went back in...put a disclaimer about backups and wrote out how to do one :) Now everyone is covered ;)
Okay, I have a dumb question and I'm not even sure that it belongs in this thread. It's been a very long time since I've needed to run SetCPU, since I was allowing Pete's script to handle my ondemand CPU scaling automatically in the last ROM, which I ran for quite some time. I have SetCPU set up to autodetect device and set on boot, with 1100 max/250 min. I also have a 100% priority profile set to scale my max down to 800 if my CPU temp gets above 50C. However, every time I reboot, my max resets itself to 800, even though my CPU temp is below the 50C trigger. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling SetCPU and inputting my settings again, but every reboot, I'm back to 800 max, until I actually open SetCPU. Any ideas?
Okay, I have a dumb question and I'm not even sure that it belongs in this thread. It's been a very long time since I've needed to run SetCPU, since I was allowing Pete's script to handle my ondemand CPU scaling automatically in the last ROM, which I ran for quite some time. I have SetCPU set up to autodetect device and set on boot, with 1100 max/250 min. I also have a 100% priority profile set to scale my max down to 800 if my CPU temp gets above 50C. However, every time I reboot, my max resets itself to 800, even though my CPU temp is below the 50C trigger. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling SetCPU and inputting my settings again, but every reboot, I'm back to 800 max, until I actually open SetCPU. Any ideas?

The newer SetCPU apps are a little tricky when it comes the setting profiles. I have had to tweak mine cause certain profiles where superseding other profiles that I didn't want it to... Not sure what's going on with your. If you post a screenshot, that might help.

Speaking of which...here's mine with may help. I have to play with the freqs when I change kernels but the Priority stays the same (along with the relative speed of each profile).

I don't set anything to 100...maybe that is your problem ;)

The newer SetCPU apps are a little tricky when it comes the setting profiles. I have had to tweak mine cause certain profiles where superseding other profiles that I didn't want it to... Not sure what's going on with your. If you post a screenshot, that might help. I don't set anything to 100...maybe that is your problem ;)

I have only one profile, which is intended to be a "fail safe" to scale back if my temp gets too high. It should only be triggered if the temp is above 50C. Nonetheless, after each boot, I'm set at 800/250, rather than 1100/250.

I have only one profile, which is intended to be a "fail safe" to scale back if my temp gets too high. It should only be triggered if the temp is 50C or above. Nonetheless, after each boot, I'm set at 800/250, rather than 1100/250.


Drop the priority to something less than 100 and see if that helps. I don't know if that could be causing an issue. I haven't seen an issue with my setup but I don't see why yours wouldn't work the way you have it :confused:
Drop the priority to something less than 100 and see if that helps. I don't know if that could be causing an issue. I haven't seen an issue with my setup but I don't see why yours wouldn't work the way you have it :confused:

And, I just realized that my Advanced settings (I had set the up threshold at 50, rather than the default 93) are going back to the default settings on reboot, as well, although I have Set on Boot checked. Very bizarre.
And, I just realized that my Advanced settings (I had set the up threshold at 50, rather than the default 93) are going back to the default settings on reboot, as well, although I have Set on Boot checked. Very bizarre.

I've seen issues with the SU app but not with this ROM. If worse comes to worse...you could always flash the 2.1 SU apk.
I've seen issues with the SU app but not with this ROM. If worse comes to worse...you could always flash the 2.1 SU apk.

Thanks again for your help, UBR! I uninstalled and reinstalled SetCPU again, lowered my profile priority to 90% and rebooted and, voila, the settings stuck this time! :confused: :)
A couple of additional screen shots -- my Handcent theme and the notification panel, after using colorchange.jar to change my text color.


Oh, and I used Navigation on the way home from work and it worked flawlessly, just like everything else I've tried!
finally got around to takig some screen shots, enjoy :P

nevermind, lol - they look horrible - app turned them all blueish -

what are you all using for Screenshots?

ok, got two shots


  • CAP201008102024.jpg
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  • CAP2010081020241.jpg
    448.5 KB · Views: 81
I'll keep this short but I have yet to vote on this ROM. Now I have been running it for 24+ hours and here are some quick observations:

Running at 800MHz...no lag (I mean zero lag...that's crazy to me!)

Running at 800MHz...no lag (I know I repeated it...I think that is a big plus though!)

40% Battery left...Been off the charger for 16 hours. I've been on the phone via web, txt, and chat all day long. Rebooted into recovery 2 or 3 times to write up quick "How To's", and then I streamed audio over 3G for 1.5 hours while I mowed the grass (I did turn the clock down to 250max - 125min while I was streaming audio...just FYI)

3 Gorgeous themes...2 of which Liquid provided... the other (Watermark'D) he tweaked.

KNOWN ISSUES - Facebook widget doesn't work. There is a fix coming for everyone and it is just a "theming issue"...

I verified this - fixed it by modifying the Watermark'd Theme file. I added different Facebook.apk (from stewart1champ) to the theme file and reflashed. Something I can fix myself in two minutes...I can't be too hard on that ;)


As with 1.2...this is a 5 in my book. There are other ROMs that I consider to be "5's" but this is the one I designate as being the fastest ROM currently available. Actual usage is just sick! :D

Liquid...nice job Sir! :D I'm glad to see this version is getting it's due attention ;)
*nudge nudge* So, who's the cutie in your FB widget? :P


I have, at current count, over 160+ installed apps (TiBu registers 251 individual .APKs it has to play with when making a full backup) so just about any ROM I choose is going to have some sort of lag.

However, you're tempting me more and more to try this one out - if those kernel optimizations are that friggin good, I just may.

One thing I have learned - Chevy's kernel does not like Smoked Glass. lol.
*nudge nudge* So, who's the cutie in your FB widget? :P


I have, at current count, over 160+ installed apps (TiBu registers 251 individual .APKs it has to play with when making a full backup) so just about any ROM I choose is going to have some sort of lag.

However, you're tempting me more and more to try this one out - if those kernel optimizations are that friggin good, I just may.

One thing I have learned - Chevy's kernel does not like Smoked Glass. lol.

The girl in that pic is a friend from my Air Force days when she was stationed with me in your neck of the woods. She's got a boyfriend...but I could put in a good word for you... :D

Yeah, I'd be curious to get your take on this ROM. My TiBu screen below...and from what I have heard...I run more than most people. You almost double what I have!

I am new to this, this was only the 3rd rom I flashed. and I am loving it. so smooth and just down right cool. thanks!
lmfao - not quite double:

View attachment 9274

And here is my list of apps, thanks to ALostPacket's Listables (which oddly enough started working about a month ago....):

Long ass list deleted by UBR because AF is running low on bandwidth now thanks to johnlgalt! :p

John, the difference between you and I is that I stop using apps after a while (41 missing apps vs your 3 LOL). That's funny! :D
This is really gonna bake yer noodle.

Those three are ROM specific apps, specifically (pun intended) from BB - since I am now on Smoked Glass for FRG22, it makes sense that those three are not currently installed:

Missing apps.jpg

Of course, it also helps that I have like close to 30 apps on the SDCard:

SDCard apps #1.jpg SDCard Apps #2.jpg SDCard Apps #3.jpg
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