Well-Known Member
***Important Update***
This patch installs the stock keyboard back into place in your system/app directory overwriting the Droid 2 keyboard. The D2 keyboard is being removed because of the "alt lock" physical keyboard issue. If you decided you want to keep the D2 keyboard you can download it from XDA Here. This update should also prevent the Froyo OTA Update that everyone will probably be receiving very shortly if you haven't already. This will also allow you to see Adobe Flash Player once it becomes available in the market in the next couple of days. Let me know if you have any issues with this patch but all should be well once you apply and thanks again to all of you for using our ROM it means the world to us and enjoy the one and only LFY
Download LFYv1.41
*** Change Log (08/15/2010) ***
Stock ROM DOES NOT Include Facebook, LauncherPro, Pandora, Maps & Twitter
(These Can Be Downloaded Using Market! Themes STILL CONTAIN the Apps Above!)
- Rebuilt from Scratch using the FRG22 Proprietaries & Synced as of August 12th (credit LiQuID)
- Keyboard Has Been Replaced with Leaked Droid 2 Multi-Touch Keyboard (credit InvisiBlek)
- New Inverted Facebook, Search, Talk, Twitter & Transparent Pandora (credit TheBowers)
- Current WaTeRMaRk'D v3.2 Theme Updated to Latest (credit Stewart1Champ & LiQuID)
- Selected Theme Wallpapers for both ADW Gallery & LauncherPro Gallery (credit LiQuID)
- Updated All Themes & Widgets for Release (credit LiQuID, LiQuIDzGrl & TheBowers)
- Fixed rmadwlauncher Script & New Removal Scripts Below In Blue (credit LiQuID)
- Leaked Gmail App v2.2.1 & Voice Search v2.0 (credit Team Google & LiQuID)
- New Custom TaNGeRiNE FroZeN YoGurT Theme (credit LiQuIDzGrl & LiQuID)
- New Custom Blue Droid Incredible Eye Boot Animation (credit LiQuIDzGrl)
- Latest LauncherPro v0.7.5.1 (credit Federico Carnales)
- Latest Titanium Backup v3.4.1 (credit Joel Bourquard)
- Latest Music Mod v1.8 (credit Elliot Stocker from XDA)
- Latest SuperUser v2.3.1 (credit ChainsDD from XDA)
- Latest ChromeToPhone v2.0 (credit Team Google)
- Latest Facebook v1.32 (credit Team Facebook)
*** Downloads Hosted by LTE ***
LiQuID FroZeN YoGurT (Install First & Optional THEME! ROM ONLY)
Sm0KeD FroZeN YoGurT (Optional Install After ROM!!! THEME ONLY)
TaNGeRiNE FroZeN YoGurT (Optional Install After ROM!!! THEME ONLY)
BLuEBeRRy FroZeN YoGurT (Optional Install After ROM!!! THEME ONLY)
WaTeRMaRk'D FroZeN YoGurT (Optional Install After ROM!!! THEME ONLY)
P3Droid OC Kernels with CPU Temp (Optional Install After ROM!!! KERNEL ONLY)
ChevyNo1 OC Kernels with CPU Temp (Optional Install After ROM!!! KERNEL ONLY)
*** System Script List ***
apps2sd - system will choose where to install apps
apps2sdoff - all apps will be installed internally
apps2sdon - all apps will be installed to your sdcard
blockads - blocks ads from apps
freemem - frees 100mb internal memory
godmode - permission to system so any file manager may access root
reboot - reboots your phone
recovery - reboots into recovery
rmbrowser - removes stock web browser
rmcalculator – removes calculator
rmcarhome - removes car home
rmchrometophone – removes chrome to phone
rmdeskclock – removes desk clock
rmemail - removes stock email app
rmfacebook - removes Facebook from system/app
rmgeniewidget - removes genie widget (news and weather)
rmadwlauncher – removes adw launcher
rmlauncherpro – removes launcher pro
rmlivewallpapers - removes live wallpapers
rmmototorch – removes mototorch led
rmpandora – removes pandora radio
rmquickoffice - removes quick office
rmspareparts - removes spare parts
rmtitaniumbu – removes titanium backup
rmtwitter – removes twitter
rmwirelesstether - removes wireless tether
rmyoutube - removes YouTube app
showads - shows ads from apps
soundoff - turns off camera shutter sound
soundon - restores camera shutter sound
sysrw - mounts system as read/write
sysro - mounts system as read/only
*** Clockwork Instructions ***
Wiping Data & Cache Once (Highly Recommended!!!)
- Update & backup any files you wish to restore, this will wipe /data
- Place the ROM anywhere on your sdcard
- Reboot into recovery mode (hold the power and "x" button at the same time)
- Install ZIP from sdcard
- Choose ZIP from sdcard
- Reboot and Enjoy
*** SPRecovery Instructions ***
Wiping Data & Cache Once (Highly Recommended!!!)
- Update & backup any files you wish to restore, this will wipe /data
- Rename the ROM to
- Place the ROM on the root of your sdcard
- Reboot into recovery mode (hold the power and "x" button at the same time)
- Select Install Then Allow Installation
- Install /sdcard/ (depreciated)
- Reboot and Enjoy
PLEASE DONATE To This Wonderful Cause… CLICK HERE!!!
*for the Motorola Droid only*
***** ROM Reviews *****
Review by YankeeDudeL
This patch installs the stock keyboard back into place in your system/app directory overwriting the Droid 2 keyboard. The D2 keyboard is being removed because of the "alt lock" physical keyboard issue. If you decided you want to keep the D2 keyboard you can download it from XDA Here. This update should also prevent the Froyo OTA Update that everyone will probably be receiving very shortly if you haven't already. This will also allow you to see Adobe Flash Player once it becomes available in the market in the next couple of days. Let me know if you have any issues with this patch but all should be well once you apply and thanks again to all of you for using our ROM it means the world to us and enjoy the one and only LFY
Download LFYv1.41
*** Change Log (08/15/2010) ***
Stock ROM DOES NOT Include Facebook, LauncherPro, Pandora, Maps & Twitter
(These Can Be Downloaded Using Market! Themes STILL CONTAIN the Apps Above!)
- Rebuilt from Scratch using the FRG22 Proprietaries & Synced as of August 12th (credit LiQuID)
- Keyboard Has Been Replaced with Leaked Droid 2 Multi-Touch Keyboard (credit InvisiBlek)
- New Inverted Facebook, Search, Talk, Twitter & Transparent Pandora (credit TheBowers)
- Current WaTeRMaRk'D v3.2 Theme Updated to Latest (credit Stewart1Champ & LiQuID)
- Selected Theme Wallpapers for both ADW Gallery & LauncherPro Gallery (credit LiQuID)
- Updated All Themes & Widgets for Release (credit LiQuID, LiQuIDzGrl & TheBowers)
- Fixed rmadwlauncher Script & New Removal Scripts Below In Blue (credit LiQuID)
- Leaked Gmail App v2.2.1 & Voice Search v2.0 (credit Team Google & LiQuID)
- New Custom TaNGeRiNE FroZeN YoGurT Theme (credit LiQuIDzGrl & LiQuID)
- New Custom Blue Droid Incredible Eye Boot Animation (credit LiQuIDzGrl)
- Latest LauncherPro v0.7.5.1 (credit Federico Carnales)
- Latest Titanium Backup v3.4.1 (credit Joel Bourquard)
- Latest Music Mod v1.8 (credit Elliot Stocker from XDA)
- Latest SuperUser v2.3.1 (credit ChainsDD from XDA)
- Latest ChromeToPhone v2.0 (credit Team Google)
- Latest Facebook v1.32 (credit Team Facebook)
*** Downloads Hosted by LTE ***
LiQuID FroZeN YoGurT (Install First & Optional THEME! ROM ONLY)
Sm0KeD FroZeN YoGurT (Optional Install After ROM!!! THEME ONLY)
TaNGeRiNE FroZeN YoGurT (Optional Install After ROM!!! THEME ONLY)
BLuEBeRRy FroZeN YoGurT (Optional Install After ROM!!! THEME ONLY)
WaTeRMaRk'D FroZeN YoGurT (Optional Install After ROM!!! THEME ONLY)
P3Droid OC Kernels with CPU Temp (Optional Install After ROM!!! KERNEL ONLY)
ChevyNo1 OC Kernels with CPU Temp (Optional Install After ROM!!! KERNEL ONLY)
*** System Script List ***
apps2sd - system will choose where to install apps
apps2sdoff - all apps will be installed internally
apps2sdon - all apps will be installed to your sdcard
blockads - blocks ads from apps
freemem - frees 100mb internal memory
godmode - permission to system so any file manager may access root
reboot - reboots your phone
recovery - reboots into recovery
rmbrowser - removes stock web browser
rmcalculator – removes calculator
rmcarhome - removes car home
rmchrometophone – removes chrome to phone
rmdeskclock – removes desk clock
rmemail - removes stock email app
rmfacebook - removes Facebook from system/app
rmgeniewidget - removes genie widget (news and weather)
rmadwlauncher – removes adw launcher
rmlauncherpro – removes launcher pro
rmlivewallpapers - removes live wallpapers
rmmototorch – removes mototorch led
rmpandora – removes pandora radio
rmquickoffice - removes quick office
rmspareparts - removes spare parts
rmtitaniumbu – removes titanium backup
rmtwitter – removes twitter
rmwirelesstether - removes wireless tether
rmyoutube - removes YouTube app
showads - shows ads from apps
soundoff - turns off camera shutter sound
soundon - restores camera shutter sound
sysrw - mounts system as read/write
sysro - mounts system as read/only
*** Clockwork Instructions ***
Wiping Data & Cache Once (Highly Recommended!!!)
- Update & backup any files you wish to restore, this will wipe /data
- Place the ROM anywhere on your sdcard
- Reboot into recovery mode (hold the power and "x" button at the same time)
- Install ZIP from sdcard
- Choose ZIP from sdcard
- Reboot and Enjoy
*** SPRecovery Instructions ***
Wiping Data & Cache Once (Highly Recommended!!!)
- Update & backup any files you wish to restore, this will wipe /data
- Rename the ROM to
- Place the ROM on the root of your sdcard
- Reboot into recovery mode (hold the power and "x" button at the same time)
- Select Install Then Allow Installation
- Install /sdcard/ (depreciated)
- Reboot and Enjoy
PLEASE DONATE To This Wonderful Cause… CLICK HERE!!!
*for the Motorola Droid only*
***** ROM Reviews *****
Review by YankeeDudeL
Initial Setup:
Ah, a new boot animation. I take it that's the Droid 2 ani, as stealing other Droid's boot anis and changing the colors seem to be the thing to do . I personally liked the Droid Does into the Droid X, but that's not really relevant. It beats the stock animation. Like usual, it didn't take but maybe a minute to load. Then I was surprised when my password was incorrect. Yeah. That was the Droid 2 keyboard, and issue already fixed by Liquid w/ the LFY1.41 patch. Market synced within 30 minutes (probably less, but I sat the phone down for about a half hour before I remembered I usually time that...sue me).
I've tried Blueberry and Smoked in the past, so I wanted to try two I never have, the Tangerine and Watermark'd. Very nice look with both of these. If you're a fan of orange, you'll love Tangerine. Also, it gave me an excuse to use the Prodigal Sun skin for Weather Widget Donate, finally. Then, there's Watermark'd, and I fell in love with the 3D app icons. Both offer themed pull down notification bars, lock screens, the works. Just about everything appeared to theme with just some small issues.
The issues I noticed were mostly with Watermark'd. If you change your LauncherPro icons, not every single icon has been themed. It's usually not an issue as the default app icon usually is, as is the case w/ the Market, Maps, Navigation, and Calendar. However, the Google Voice icon has been changed in the LauncherPro icons, but not the default icon, which has been annoying me for a while now. Again, small issues.
I've seen a steady decrease in perfomance of this ROM from the first build. LFY1.0, while extremely buggy, was incredibly fast. It was evident in every aspect of phone navigation and population. This ROM continues the trend of a decline in performance on my Droid. I tried so many diff kernels, and my benchmarks were at best par for the course. Until...
Finally, a kernel that got me over the hump. slayher's 1.2GHz kernel is the fastest kernel I've used to date, finally getting me over 1600 on Quadrant (set only at 1.1GHz, mind you). I posted a screenshot elsewhere in the thread if anyone needs convincing. This, however, seems more evident of the kernel and not so much the ROM, considering I could barely score over 1500 with any of my normal kernels (and I've scored as high as 1569 with the first build).
System and App Function:
Battery life seems more stable with this ROM than the previous build (1.3 wasn't as good for my Droid as 1.2), running cool and lasting adequately. The Market worked fine, GPS, Wifi, the usual suspects. I did have an issue with Swype FCing, but uninstalling it and reinstalling it seemed to do the trick.
I did want to note that just about everytime I rebooted this for any reason (flashing diff kernels, fixing permissions, etc...), I saw the M logo at least twice, sometimes more. And everytime it came back, it took a full 20 secs before my Droid was actually useable. Usually, LauncherPro would FC, and then everything would go back to normal. This happened on each theme I tried.
It seems almost unfair to add this section when I haven't in my other reviews, but I'm going to start from now on. There was a time when it seemed only CyanogenMod ROMs were the only ones that provided those little extras. Now, it seems every ROM has something unto it's own, and let's face it, we want them. The only real extra here is the Reboot and Reboot into Recovery options from the power button, which are starting to become the norm.
This ROM really does what you want it to, but is somewhat lacking wow factor for me. It's a very solid ROM that's worked out most of the previous issues, but doesn't bring to the table the level of customization that I can be OCD about. I know Liquid and his team are working hard on getting this ROM to top of the food chain, and I look forward to him taking this constructional criticism and blowing me away in builds to come. Until then...
3 of 5 stars
Ah, a new boot animation. I take it that's the Droid 2 ani, as stealing other Droid's boot anis and changing the colors seem to be the thing to do . I personally liked the Droid Does into the Droid X, but that's not really relevant. It beats the stock animation. Like usual, it didn't take but maybe a minute to load. Then I was surprised when my password was incorrect. Yeah. That was the Droid 2 keyboard, and issue already fixed by Liquid w/ the LFY1.41 patch. Market synced within 30 minutes (probably less, but I sat the phone down for about a half hour before I remembered I usually time that...sue me).
I've tried Blueberry and Smoked in the past, so I wanted to try two I never have, the Tangerine and Watermark'd. Very nice look with both of these. If you're a fan of orange, you'll love Tangerine. Also, it gave me an excuse to use the Prodigal Sun skin for Weather Widget Donate, finally. Then, there's Watermark'd, and I fell in love with the 3D app icons. Both offer themed pull down notification bars, lock screens, the works. Just about everything appeared to theme with just some small issues.
The issues I noticed were mostly with Watermark'd. If you change your LauncherPro icons, not every single icon has been themed. It's usually not an issue as the default app icon usually is, as is the case w/ the Market, Maps, Navigation, and Calendar. However, the Google Voice icon has been changed in the LauncherPro icons, but not the default icon, which has been annoying me for a while now. Again, small issues.
I've seen a steady decrease in perfomance of this ROM from the first build. LFY1.0, while extremely buggy, was incredibly fast. It was evident in every aspect of phone navigation and population. This ROM continues the trend of a decline in performance on my Droid. I tried so many diff kernels, and my benchmarks were at best par for the course. Until...
Finally, a kernel that got me over the hump. slayher's 1.2GHz kernel is the fastest kernel I've used to date, finally getting me over 1600 on Quadrant (set only at 1.1GHz, mind you). I posted a screenshot elsewhere in the thread if anyone needs convincing. This, however, seems more evident of the kernel and not so much the ROM, considering I could barely score over 1500 with any of my normal kernels (and I've scored as high as 1569 with the first build).
System and App Function:
Battery life seems more stable with this ROM than the previous build (1.3 wasn't as good for my Droid as 1.2), running cool and lasting adequately. The Market worked fine, GPS, Wifi, the usual suspects. I did have an issue with Swype FCing, but uninstalling it and reinstalling it seemed to do the trick.
I did want to note that just about everytime I rebooted this for any reason (flashing diff kernels, fixing permissions, etc...), I saw the M logo at least twice, sometimes more. And everytime it came back, it took a full 20 secs before my Droid was actually useable. Usually, LauncherPro would FC, and then everything would go back to normal. This happened on each theme I tried.
It seems almost unfair to add this section when I haven't in my other reviews, but I'm going to start from now on. There was a time when it seemed only CyanogenMod ROMs were the only ones that provided those little extras. Now, it seems every ROM has something unto it's own, and let's face it, we want them. The only real extra here is the Reboot and Reboot into Recovery options from the power button, which are starting to become the norm.
This ROM really does what you want it to, but is somewhat lacking wow factor for me. It's a very solid ROM that's worked out most of the previous issues, but doesn't bring to the table the level of customization that I can be OCD about. I know Liquid and his team are working hard on getting this ROM to top of the food chain, and I look forward to him taking this constructional criticism and blowing me away in builds to come. Until then...
3 of 5 stars