Umm, yeah, I know well the results of using a faster kernel - however, I also have 170+ apps installed on my phone (for a grand total of 258 when SDMove searches for apps that can be moved to the SDCard) and I have 2 spare batteries, one of which is fully charged while another is in the phone and the third is charging....
I am fully prepared for battery consumption (other than that I faced in 1.5 - 80% in 3-5 hours was a bit too much), but I need the raw power b/c at any given moment I am connected to numerous IM clients, plus reading twitter, searching the web, etc. - and let's leave out gaming altogether for now, m'kay?
My comments in the post you replied to were reflection on the changes from 1.5 and my previous experience with 1.6 - 1.5 was horrid on my phone, for a number of reasons, and this was a reflection that 1.6 was so smooth and fast that I actually forogt I was runnig stock - nothing more, nothing less.
Incorrect. As I sated, they were tests I performed, and I reported back the results.
The problem with these (mine) observations, though, is that previously, I have had no issues running 1200 MHz kernels - they flew right along, and using on-demand scaling in SetCPU allowed me decent battery times as well, for times when the phone was not in heavy use - under heavy use I could get 5 hours of use, under moderate 8 hours, and having a spare battery doubles those times. So, now I am aiming at testing the interactive versus the on-demand scaling and seeing which really works better for me.
With 1.4 I got pretty much the same results as I had been getting reviously under ROMs like BB, UD, etc., but upon loading 1.5 things went south - quickly - I was getting 3-5 hours under moderate use, and I could not even begin to try to use my phone heavily at all - so many idiosyncrasies popped up that it was ridiculously painful to even try to use the phone.
You have to realize that this is not my first rodeo - I've been rooted for a while now (~7 months), and this has to be around my 30th ROM that I have tried on my phone, not to mention I have used a good number (the vast majority) of kernels out there as well. I do what I do not to necessarily mess things up, but to test and see if particular shortcuts and / or processes that have worked for me in the past will work now.
For example, in this second iteration of LFY 1.6, I let it sync all of my apps on its own, ran the Swype installer, rebooted the phone, then ran TiBu and ran the script that loads all apps and system data, moving the selection to data only, and unchecking Swype and Swype Installer.
All of my settings were restored, but more than that - all of my widgets were restored in LP and I did not have to remove missing widgets and re-add them to my home screen.
It's refining little processes like this that allow me to be more accurate in helping other folks out on best practices on how to make and use and restore application backups, as well as help folks with things like Factory Data Resets, loading ROMs, etc.
Hope this puts my previous comments in a new light.