Extreme Android User
Coming from Win7, preparing to enter the world of distros was baffling. An earlier Linux Mint was one of the first I tried, and it's been the only one I've returned to, repeatedly. I am not claiming that I've learned anything useful about Linux. Actually, my research, more than anything, has made me further appreciate Windows 7. And why do I prefer Mint? Even though almost everyone will disagree, it's the easiest to understand coming from Windows and that must've been an important theme for the Mint people. I've kept a partition for Mint and another empty one for who knows what.
For various reasons, including my thickheadedness, I've already tried and abandoned: antergos archlinux blagblagblag bodhi bridge centos clearfoundation crunchbang debian elementaryos fedora freebsd gobolinux knoppix korora kubuntu linuxlite lubuntu mageia makululinux manjaro netrunner openindiana opensuse paldo pclinuxos peppermint pinguy proxmox puppylinux robolinux sabayon salentos salixos siduction slackware snowlinux solydxk sparkylinux tanglu ubuntu ultimateedition planetwatt xubuntu zenwalk zorin
...I think I have to give up at some point. Congrats to Linux Mint, sole survivor.
(originally posted here)
For various reasons, including my thickheadedness, I've already tried and abandoned: antergos archlinux blagblagblag bodhi bridge centos clearfoundation crunchbang debian elementaryos fedora freebsd gobolinux knoppix korora kubuntu linuxlite lubuntu mageia makululinux manjaro netrunner openindiana opensuse paldo pclinuxos peppermint pinguy proxmox puppylinux robolinux sabayon salentos salixos siduction slackware snowlinux solydxk sparkylinux tanglu ubuntu ultimateedition planetwatt xubuntu zenwalk zorin
...I think I have to give up at some point. Congrats to Linux Mint, sole survivor.
(originally posted here)