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long restart after upgrading to the latest Damage rom


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2009
I have been running Damages Rom for a while. I like the Rom and have been upgrading as the releases have come out. I worked a lot of hours and skipped a coiple before the last one. I flashed the update with a wipe, took 30min. first boot like it was supposed to. Takes 15 every time since. I've not found any mention of this in the forums. Is it just my phone or are there others?
I have been running Damages Rom for a while. I like the Rom and have been upgrading as the releases have come out. I worked a lot of hours and skipped a coiple before the last one. I flashed the update with a wipe, took 30min. first boot like it was supposed to. Takes 15 every time since. I've not found any mention of this in the forums. Is it just my phone or are there others?

Which one are you considering the latest? I'm running 2.08.1 and it takes three minutes total until I can actually use the phone when starting.
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Yes I was running the 2.08.1 version. I was messing around last night and got things all messed up. I tried wiping everything and than reflashing the rom. After 30 minutes it got to the white htc screen followed by the sprint screen and repeat over and over again. I finally got the fresh kitchen to reinstall from a backup. I couldn't get the nandroid backups to load either untill I used the kitchen. My phone is up and running fine now but its not the 2.08.1, its an earlier version of Damages rom. I couldn't tell you which one at the moment.
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