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Lookie what I get to do.

I may do that if it doesn't work by the steering wheel, but it's easy to put it there and it's out of the way. We'll see if it works. I finally got the wiring harness put together and even though it's 2200, I'm going out to the garage to plug it in and see if it works. It'll either work or it'll burn the electrical system in my car out. Cross your fingers.

Edit: Without BT plugged in, it worked. I was shocked. The BT adapter requires grounding apparently. I'm hoping that I can plug two cables into the same grounding wire. Does this sound like a good idea?
I don't see any screws I can lock into. Just theed ground wire for the radio that's already plugged into the head unit.
Knowing the cables are standardized colors makes me feel better. I'm debating the soldering thing still, but I think crimping will be easier as I can do that with a pair of pliers and a trip to Radio Shack.

This basically what I've got.


The plug on the left comes out of the car. The plug on the right goes into the stereo. There's an adapter that slides over the plug on the left so I have to marry that adapter to the wires on the back of the smaller plug which looks like this.


I don't have the other adapter with me at the moment.

Please go there and tell them I expected to be screwed and am pissed that I wasn't. :)

They may say on the side of the wire what they are. It didn't occur to me to look there. Noob mistake.
Yeahthe last 3 stereos I installed the wires has what the was on the side of the wires. I think painless wires started that years ago and more people adopted it. Isnt no noob about it. First stereo I installed I blew a $15 fuse in the engine bay fuse box. This fuse controlled the auto shift lever. I couldnt get it out of park. Took me 4 hrs to find what was wrong. Why I dont like newer cars lol. Now try doing that with fellow B52 crew chiefs dogging you by saying things like you have a 98.5 Full mission capable rating on your bomber and you cant fix this little problem? Or why dont you call GAC specialist to troubleshoot your problem. I still shudder when I start a new install :o
don't do that... Use the same ground if you can't find a body screw right now... It'll work. Then when you get a minute, you can find something at a later time.
I used the same ground. I was shocked and awed when I turned the car key and the dang thing actually turned on and worked. I didn't test the fader after I plugged the BT in and it's 2320 here so I'm not going to spend time testing everything on it. I did pair it with my phone and it streamed audio from my phone with no problems at all. I called my voice mail and left a message and it sounded perfectly clear to me. To be fair, I was in a parked car that wasn't even turned on so it wasn't the best test, but I'm going to consider it proof of concept. My only problem was that the socket I need to put the thing back in the dash I left in the house. I'm not going to go back out there tonight for four screws. Once I get it put back together I'll post pics.
I used the same ground. I was shocked and awed when I turned the car key and the dang thing actually turned on and worked. I didn't test the fader after I plugged the BT in and it's 2320 here so I'm not going to spend time testing everything on it. I did pair it with my phone and it streamed audio from my phone with no problems at all. I called my voice mail and left a message and it sounded perfectly clear to me. To be fair, I was in a parked car that wasn't even turned on so it wasn't the best test, but I'm going to consider it proof of concept. My only problem was that the socket I need to put the thing back in the dash I left in the house. I'm not going to go back out there tonight for four screws. Once I get it put back together I'll post pics.
See, you _could_ have paid somebody to install it, but now you get to feel all manly and you have a cool story to tell about how you installed it yourself.:)
See, you _could_ have paid somebody to install it, but now you get to feel all manly and you have a cool story to tell about how you installed it yourself.:)

Honestly no. I know now that all the wires are basically hanging loose all over the place in the back. I also know there's only one screw holding the thing in because I dropped the other three on the floor board and can't find them. Didn't have time to search for them extensively this morning. Also, the AM radio (which worked last night) no longer works though the FM does. I strongly suspect some fool forgot to plug the antenna in after hooking up the BT stuff since it was late and he was exhausted. I get the joy of taking the dash apart again sometime today just to plug the dang antenna in.

Anyway, this is how it looks:


I ended up putting the BT control next to the steering column. I can easily reach it and it does work. I may end up moving it as I'm not sold on the call quality. It was good last night sitting in my garage with the car off. I called myself and left a voice mail while I was on the highway on the way to work. Google couldn't make it out well enough to transcribe it and I could barely make it out. It kept cutting out and crackling. I may move the microphone. It's just held in place by double sided tape so that's a minor thing.


I'm having little minor issues with the head unit, but I think a perusal of the instructions might be in order. (Hate doing that.) It doesn't display the time on it which I find majorly annoying. Instead it just shows the audio source (CD/AM/FM/BT, etc....). It was also stuck in demo mode, but I figured that out. I need to sit down and crack open the manual and see what buttons I need to push.
Congrats I knew you could do it without blowing the house up lol. (Damn lost the bet about him blowing the house up. &$#*&$#+();&%#;/:%:/??-&%$#@)
There's only one wire that's really visible and it's hard to see unless you're looking for it and are in the passenger's seat.


I do like how it looks though I may eventually move the microphone at some point. I need to read the instructions on how to use it. I tried pushing it to start voice commands on the phone and it just redialed the last number I'd dialed. Learning is hard.
After having this set up for 5 or 6 days the only real issue I'm having with it is the brightness on the display. It looks very nice at night. During the day I can barely see it at all. I have gone into the menu and dialed the brightness up to the max, but it makes no difference. Is this more likely a limitation of the unit or a wiring screwup on my end?
I would guess it is the display. I can't see mine during the day very well. A combination of the viewing angle and glare from the sun causes it.
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