I've searching for the ideal phone over the last few weeks, but can not find it.
All I really want is a phone that I can easily slips into my pocket, the nexus one and co are all simply to large.
The phone would ideally have Android 2.1 or a confirmed upgrade path some point this year. And have a hardware config to match.
So what size should it be?
The iphone is already to large, anything smaller would be great, the legend would be a good size if it didn't have those clown feet. And the X10 mini shrunk too much in the wash.
If anyone has any ideas I would be great to hear them.
All I really want is a phone that I can easily slips into my pocket, the nexus one and co are all simply to large.
The phone would ideally have Android 2.1 or a confirmed upgrade path some point this year. And have a hardware config to match.
So what size should it be?
The iphone is already to large, anything smaller would be great, the legend would be a good size if it didn't have those clown feet. And the X10 mini shrunk too much in the wash.
If anyone has any ideas I would be great to hear them.