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Help Loses signal, regains immediately


Android Enthusiast
Are other people dealing with their X saying 'loss of service, Verizon wireless'? Mine is doing this more and more and its really starting to annoy me! Any fix for this or any info yet on it??
Just called and updated roaming programming. I continue to be amazed at the knowledge here!
I though smartphones were supposed to update automatically? What else should I be updating that doesn't get pushed automatically?
Ive rebooted and all night it hasn't dropped the signal yet. *fingers crossed* hopefully this solved the dilema! If it happens again, Ill have to swing by a store and see what's up.

Thanks again!
Along the same lines, my phone constantly flips between 3g and 1x even in areas of perfect signal. I have done a lot of searches on this subject and I've found lots of people with the same problem, but none with a solution. As best I can tell, it seems to be a Motorola thing. HTC doesn't seem to have the same issue. Any thoughts?
If you are in a 3g area and you're constantly flipping between 3g and 1x, that's very unusual. It only happens to me in places where 3g is light or unavailable. If other phones are getting 3g in your area, so should you. If you've already done a roaming update, then call verizon. This should not be happening.
Unfortunately, stopped into the VZW store tonight. After some time with tech support, they are recalling my phone. Seems they think my antena is messed up or something. They have had to call a few back because of this. They also asked if it switched from 3g to 1x, and mine does inside a city with full signal. Turns out they have some with this issue. So sad, Im gonna miss my little fella. The replacement shows up on Thursday. I hope this refurb isn't a POS!
Unfortunately, stopped into the VZW store tonight. After some time with tech support, they are recalling my phone. Seems they think my antena is messed up or something. They have had to call a few back because of this. They also asked if it switched from 3g to 1x, and mine does inside a city with full signal. Turns out they have some with this issue. So sad, Im gonna miss my little fella. The replacement shows up on Thursday. I hope this refurb isn't a POS!

This is what I thought. I thought it was a hardware issue. Don't worry, most phones are fantastic. You'll get a good one. If not, I'll knock a few heads together for you at Verizon. ;) :p
I can be sitting in an area with a '70 dbm signal surfing with a 3g signal one moment and then seconds later it all comes to a grinding halt when it flips over to 1x.
I just got off the phone with tech support and they assure me that there is no possible way this is a hardware problem. They claim it is a tower issue even though they report no tower problems in my area today and my buddy is sitting right next to me with a 3g signal.
This is what I thought. I thought it was a hardware issue. Don't worry, most phones are fantastic. You'll get a good one. If not, I'll knock a few heads together for you at Verizon. ;) :p
HAHAHA cool, Ill let you know how the new phone goes tomorrow. :D
Im excited, but at the same time Im a little sad, as I feel like Im losing my little buddy. My Droid has been so good to me, and Im just replacing him.. poor little fella.
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