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Lost my Droid X


Android Enthusiast
Feb 7, 2010
No idea where it is. I would think it is most likely out of power (although, when I called it tonight, it rang the full amount of times before going to voice mail). If it somehow does still have power, is there any way to locate it? I didn't have any locator app installed, as I figured a situation like this would never arise. I still don't even know how it happened. I take better care of my phone than anything. It never leaves my pocket or my hand.
No idea where it is. I would think it is most likely out of power (although, when I called it tonight, it rang the full amount of times before going to voice mail). If it somehow does still have power, is there any way to locate it? I didn't have any locator app installed, as I figured a situation like this would never arise. I still don't even know how it happened. I take better care of my phone than anything. It never leaves my pocket or my hand.
Did you happen to instal Mobile Recovery on your phone? If not, ....ouch! :(
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I know this won't help you now, but I put "if you find me" messages on my phone. With my last phone (not a Droid), the wallpaper on my lock screen said, "If you find me, call XXXXX. Reward for safe return." Also added a sticky note to the back (underneath my case)....did this in case the phone finder could not power on the phone. Anyway, might sound silly, but I've lost phones twice over the years. One time, it was found under a table at a restaurant when I called to see if anyone found it. The second time, the person actually called me after seeing the boot up screen (it was locked so he couldn't access my contact list or emails in order to locate me). I don't do this as much now in part because of laziness, plus I have a finder app installed.
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I hate this for you. I have never lost a phone, but my wife has lost two none smartphones and we never did find them. She has my old Droid 1 and I have Lookout and MyMobileRecovery installed on hers and my X. So, after reading your post I decided to pull up those apps and check them and make sure all is well and low and behold I had to set both of them back up. Looks like after flashing a new ROM and even doing a restore of the app (I think with data) that you still have to run the app and re-enter the account info and re-activate them. Wow! I would have been surprised if I had tried finding mine.
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No idea where it is. I would think it is most likely out of power (although, when I called it tonight, it rang the full amount of times before going to voice mail). If it somehow does still have power, is there any way to locate it? I didn't have any locator app installed, as I figured a situation like this would never arise. I still don't even know how it happened. I take better care of my phone than anything. It never leaves my pocket or my hand.
We at Conceptone Technologies are working to solve the root cause of the problem. We normally happen to keep our phones somewhere and walk away, and then somebody picks it up and never returns. At home we keep it somewhere and then realise the battery is low and phone switches off.

Neverlose My Droid Pro - coming soon! which would solve most of such problems.

Check out the free version here - https://market.android.com/details?id=com.commonsware.android.mobiletracker&feature=search_result
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Go to the Market on your home computer

Locate and download Plan B (or just click here :) )
It's created by the same people that made Lookout Mobile Security.

The market will install the app. It runs automatically, gets a location and sends a Gmail to the Google account associated with the phone.

Read the description in the market for additional options (text from another phone, etc)

Good luck!

edit: Wow, I just noticed the OP was in February. Guess my info is a little late.
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