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Love JB but miss FM Radio

I installed Spirit FM Radio Unlimited this evening. It will not run under Jelly Bean.

You need SU/root and it will still work.

Send me an email if you need an order cancelled. I cancel at any time on request. Latest free version is here: http://d-h.st/vfN

Googorizon removed the FMRadioService, but Spirit can use low level access.

But of course I can't guarantee that they won't further cripple FM in future. If they removed the /dev/tifm device driver, a new kernel would be needed. If they removed the FM audio support I might just give up. There's an ALSA driver there but it's a major pain to do things at that level.
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Took the update.

No factory reset.

Everything's smooth... except

FMRadio 2.1 update 1 wants to launch but can't.

Anyone able to access the onboard FM receiver after the update?


I reported it to the author (now that it is on Play Store). The reported was that it might take two weeks before I hear anything.

... Thom
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Thanks for that report. Hope there's something to be done.


Only got to your earlier comments after I started this thread. Pain is right; it's nice not to have to carry another device to listen to FM, and streaming eats battery.

And, since I work in healthcare and need to keep my device compliant, I don't have the option to root my phone.

Best of luck to all those looking to re-enable this useful Bionic feature.

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