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manufacturers stop!


Having a captivate I hate the touchwiz launcher. It's a ripoff iphone . But with a custom rom It's splendid! My question is do you think that manufacturers should stop putting there custom skins on there phones? Another problem that android is suffering is different screen sizes. Think about it, if you're a developer and you're making a game for the android market wouldn't it be frustrating to have to tell the program what size it should be at on this screen and so on. Thats why games lag in our market. Most developers are going for the larger screens because that's whats hot now in android. Google should make manufacturer stop with their skins , and also have a set screen width and lenght at least a 3.9 inch screen. Thats why iphone games work better. All the screen's are the same size or slightly a little bigger. I love android but it's clear that google has some work to do and so do these manufacturers, or we will always play second best.
Having a captivate I hate the touchwiz launcher. It's a ripoff iphone . But with a custom rom It's splendid!
Well there you go. You customized and it works...

My question is do you think that manufacturers should stop putting there custom skins on there phones?
No, Android=Customization! That's the point! YOU might not like it but the next guy does. If you bought a product that you don't like then that's your own stupidity!

Another problem that android is suffering is different screen sizes. Think about it, if you're a developer and you're making a game for the android market wouldn't it be frustrating to have to tell the program what size it should be at on this screen and so on.
Are you a developer? I'd venture to guess no way with a comment like that!

Thats why games lag in our market.
What? They lag in the market because of screen size? I think maybe you have a crappy connection that's causing your lag. Screen size would have ZERO to due with that!

Most developers are going for the larger screens because that's whats hot now in android.
You do realize that apps work across different screen sizes right? Developers don't make 999 different versions of their app specifically for every device on the market!

Google should make manufacturer stop with their skins , and also have a set screen width and lenght at least a 3.9 inch screen.
No they shouldn't! Screen size is personal preference. If you like a big one and the next person likes a small one that's their choice. Google doesn't bow to YOU!

Thats why iphone games work better.
You can argue this all day and get a million different opinions on that.

All the screen's are the same size or slightly a little bigger. I love android but it's clear that google has some work to do and so do these manufacturers, or we will always play second best.
If you want a locked down device with a supreme overlord such as Jobs, then by all means take your self on to the apple store!
Dude if you're a developer and you're making a game that everyone can play you don't want the game to lag on devices but it will with different screen sizes and so forth. That's why most games are ported straight from ios to android because it's a headache for developers to customize everything for god knows how many different android devices. And yes android = customization but read up on android and google . Google is stating that they want developers to stop with custom skins. They are slow like touchwiz and slow down a wonderful phone. And apps don't work across all screen sizes. I know because I use to code, when coding you have to tell it for what screen size etc to stretch. And no my marketplace doesn't lag, I was talking about apps, like games that do. You my friend sound stupid, do research first.
Dude if you're a developer and you're making a game that everyone can play you don't want the game to lag on devices but it will with different screen sizes and so forth. That's why most games are ported straight from ios to android because it's a headache for developers to customize everything for god knows how many different android devices. And yes android = customization but read up on android and google . Google is stating that they want developers to stop with custom skins. They are slow like touchwiz and slow down a wonderful phone. And apps don't work across all screen sizes. I know because I use to code, when coding you have to tell it for what screen size etc to stretch. And no my marketplace doesn't lag, I was talking about apps, like games that do. You my friend sound stupid, do research first.

the screen size it self is irrelevant, any issues with performance or fitting the screen is due to the resolution. a 70" phone with 800x480 resolution will operate an app at the same speed and look of a phone that has a 4" screen with the same 800x480 resolution.
Dude if you're a developer and you're making a game that everyone can play you don't want the game to lag on devices but it will with different screen sizes and so forth. That's why most games are ported straight from ios to android because it's a headache for developers to customize everything for god knows how many different android devices. And yes android = customization but read up on android and google . Google is stating that they want developers to stop with custom skins. They are slow like touchwiz and slow down a wonderful phone. And apps don't work across all screen sizes. I know because I use to code, when coding you have to tell it for what screen size etc to stretch. And no my marketplace doesn't lag, I was talking about apps, like games that do. You my friend sound stupid, do research first.

Games aren't easily ported because they are different languages, processors and APIs, screen resolution is a very small part of the decision. Games that lag on some resolutions and not others are mostly just badly programmed. I could explain this more in depth if you'd like but it's a bit technical/off-topic.

Anyways, Google did not in fact try and say they wanted manufacterers to stop customizing with skins that was a Businessweek article that was clearly sensationalist trolling and Andy Rubin quickly refuted the statement. And they most assuredly never said they wanted developers to stop skinning.

What Google did say was that they were focusing efforts on the UI so that mnfr skins would not be as needed to make a phone look nice. If you've seen stock honeycomb or Gingerbread you can see this is the case.

Basically, they want people to be able to build add ons, but they dont want security updates delayed because Samsung changed the color of the checkbox.

I'd personally prefer all the custom skins be optional and easily removable so that updates can come directly from Google, and not OTA from a carrier/mnfr. I'm not a fan of the skins like TouchWiz, Sense, and MotoBlur. But this is a growing pain hopefully. And I understand why some people dig them.

Anyways, be nice, telling someone they sound stupid/uninformed is not very friendly. :)
Yeah I think you'd be better off in the WP7 or iOS camp, I think you've totally missed the point of an Open Source OS.

What are you talking about? Read any of my post. I clearly don't like ios and I've explained the reasons why. But ios will always be better as of now because updates for android take forever to come for all of us. We have to wait for the manufacturers to push them out and the carriers. iphone users just have to wait for apple to release the update. This is something google has to address. And WP7 is crap.
What are you talking about? Read any of my post. I clearly don't like ios and I've explained the reasons why. But ios will always be better as of now because updates for android take forever to come for all of us. We have to wait for the manufacturers to push them out and the carriers. iphone users just have to wait for apple to release the update. This is something google has to address. And WP7 is crap.

You might have to wait a long time for updates, but that has more to do with Samsung than Google. Motorola and HTC seem to get updates out faster than Samsung, who has a nasty reputation of ignoring hardware as soon as it's released so they can work on the next thing coming out. Unless you are talking about a Nexus S, but the only reason that that Samsung phone gets updates faster is because it gets them more direct from Google.
I love htc sense... and their direction with it...

You like androids openness and customizationness and all the choices.. but wish it was not..????
I will say that I would prefer some way to "turn off" the custom UIs. If this were so, rooting probably wouldn't be as big as it is. However, after seeing Sense 3.0, they can keep skinning as long as they make it aesthetically pleasing without degrading performance. Really, I would go after bloatware apps that can't be removed before I worried about skins.
I love the CM7 theme application.

I think it would be great if manufacturers used their skins through that instead. It would make updating a lot easier.
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