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Map link works in WIN 10 but not Android 11

Al Fresco

These links work properly in WIN 10 but when they are launched on an Android 11 Motorola 5 G ACE phone the links open to the present GPS location, not the location of the link.
Here are the links: <a href='40°22'00.1"N 105°34'49.2"W' target="_blank" title="Location of entry station">Location: 40.366693° N, 105.580325° W</a>
<a href='40°19'45.7"N 105°36'04.5"W' target="_blank" title="Location of the trail head">Location of the trail head</a>

Here is the web page with the links:

Any help out there?
Thanks, WV-Mike
Which browser do you use? I just clicked one of them using Firefox on Android 13 and it opens at some spot in the Rockies, so seems to work for me.

Also what app does it open in? Mine opens in a new browser tab, and not in the Maps app. If I tell it to open the link in an external app it opens Maps but doesn't pass the coordinates, and so behaves as you describe. If that's what's happening for you then a workaround might be to look in your browser settings and see whether you can make it open in the browser by default, or maybe press and hold the link and see whether you get other options (how I got mine to open in Maps to test the theory that it might not pass all of the information to a different app).
Greetings Hadron,
I needed to publish the page, so I replaced the Google map links with OSM links.

Here is the link in a new page:
If you click on "Location of Park entry" it will go to that location in Win 10.
But, when opened on my Android phone it launches the Google Maps app and brings up my current location, not the location of the Location of Park entry.

If I copy and paste the map link https://www.google.com/maps?q=loc:40.366693, -105.580325 into Edge or Chrome on my phone it opens to the correct location.
So, the problem it with the Google Maps app.

Yes, or with the way that Maps handles links from a browser: it looks like it understands "launch Maps" but that Maps doesn't process the location part. The problem is that I'm sure many people's phones will be set up like yours, so that opening such links in Maps is the default action, so you need a way of posting the links so that won't happen.

The link in your most recent post still seems to be to a site with "google_maps_link_android" in the URL. I took a guess and changed that in my browser to "osm_maps_link_android" and found a similar site, but without the "location of park entry" link, and the link addresses I looked at there still said "google".
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