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Memorial Weekend 2024


Next weekend is the holiday that most everyone considers the kick start for the summer. When I was growing up, we spent ever Memorial weekend in Oklahoma where both of my parents were born and raised. We decorated graves in the many surrounding cemeteries and enjoyed seeing all of the family that lived in the area. Nobody lives there anymore and it's been a number of years since I last decorated graves there. I will spend the weekend decorating local and will likely party at the cabin with friends.

I hope that you have plans to spend some quality time with friends and family. If you travel, please be safe. It's a great weekend to do some grilling outside so I hope you have some great meals planned.

Though we enjoy the time off and early summer fun with friends and family, it's best that we don't forget the reason we observe the "holiday". It is a day to morn and honor the loss of those that gave their lives so that we might enjoy the freedoms of this great nation. Showing respect for veterans should be 24/7/365. Please take the time to thank all veterans for their service.
I hope everyone here remembers WHY Memorial Day is a holiday. It's not for the sales!

I have the privilege of again serving as Master of Ceremonies for our community's Memorial Day Ceremony - thankfully, it's very well-attended because our community is very patriotic and gets it... they know what the holiday is about. I can only ask my AF/EBC friends to find a ceremony nearby and attend it. Many veterans organizations coordinate these events: ask them if you aren't sure.


my dad was in the US Navy during the Korean War. he passed away from Alzheimer's many years ago. we always go to see him as much as we can. some years it is more than others. but we always go on both Memorial and Veterans Day. i might be working on Monday, but i have plans to see him on Sunday.

i do plan on grilling for the weekend. probably will do ribs in his honor, since that was what he liked the most.
We are meeting two other couples this afternoon at the cabin for a mini celebration. Indian tacos are on the agenda and lots of refreshments. It is supposed to be a nice day for it. I hope everyone has something fun planned. Be safe.
I posted this link some time back and some of you may have seen it before, so apologies for the repost.

This short video was produced by a friend and client (former military). And as a former Air Force Brat, I think it's worthy of everyone's time. It's quite moving and serves as a salient reminder of the sacrifices made by each and every member of our armed and unarmed forces.

If the mods feel that this is better posted in a different sub-forum, feel free to relocate.

Wishing everyone a peaceful Memorial Day.
This has to be the worst weather wise Memorial Weekend for us. My weather radio got a work out.
That's really a bummer Augie. This weekend is notorious for being crummy here as well. This year has been an exception. We had one weather front move through quickly which dropped some rain and had some strong straight winds and nothing but nice weather since. Temps in the mid eighties and not much for wind and a lot of sunshine has made a great weekend here.
The Darling Bride was able to get a video of our brief, but poignant, ceremony. Our community Arts Center was generous enough to afford us use of the theater, allowing us to conduct the ceremony in a climate-controlled space with plenty of seating and great acoustics. I'll post a link to that video here, once I have it edited and published (the spotlights were blinding! I couldn't see a thing up there; my throat was parched but my water was blocked by the microphone stand and I couldn't get to it; and the video is saturated red. I'll clean it up the best I can... although the couple walking in front of the camera will have to stay there).

UPDATE: Here it is!

I know there are a multitude of flashy Memorial Day videos out there with fighter jet flyovers, pop stars singing patriotic songs, and politicians waxing eloquently about our fallen heroes. This, however, isn't one of them: it's a humble example of a small Tennessee community's Memorial Day ceremony.

The Manchester, Tennessee Arts Center was filled to near capacity (around 200 seats) while men from throughout the county lent their talented voices in a chorus organized by the high school music director. County deputies served as the honor guard: and regular people came together to pay tribute to those who gave their all.

Imagine how many similar small ceremonies were held across the country on Memorial Day - regular people, coming together as a community, to honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.

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