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Root Memory (ram) it disappears after some browsing

Task managers don't do well closing apps. If you truly mean RAM, try force close from manage applications in settings

I tried that you said and didnt work, so i did a full wipe and reinstall the rom but the problem remains (now i have screenshots)

This is taken just after I reboot my phone


This is after of 27 hours of uptime

This screenshots are taken after killing all apps from the Settings-->Application-->Running Services

Please help me it is very frustrating!!!
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Unless the phone is having problems, I would ignore how much RAM you have empty. As danfrance said, RAM is there to be used so let it be used. If there's a problem with how your phone works, such as slow animations or freezes, then maybe there's a good reason to look at possible causes, but until then I wouldn't worry.

yeah after 1 day of use is very slow and totally unusable
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I had made a previous topic about my prob,but I wanted to attract ppl who use leedroid. My problem is I use my phone everyday and everyday i have to restart my phone because it is unusable after 1 day of use. This is becoming annoying and it can have very negative effects on me e.g. the alarm wont work or it is stuck until i remove my battery. I need a solution!!!

Asian Desire
Leedroid MOd 2.3d+a2sd
8gb class 6 transcend

(if you need anything more just post it!!)

Thank you in advance!!!!
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Fairly vague, seeing as I have no knowledge of your previous topic but as a LeeDroid user I have to say that I am more than happy with it since I flashed it about a week ago :)

I have had some 'glitchy' behaviour but it has been very minor, so much so that I cannot remember what the few issues were, one-off issues that haven't resurfaced :)
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