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Help Menu Key Issue


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
Hey Guys,
I have a problem with the menu key where every once in awhile when I press this key the phone goes nuts. It selects a particular icon on my screen like I'm holding the screen but won't let me use the touchscreen at all. While this is happening if I press any other key the phone just acts crazy. Hard to describe. I can fix it by just turning the screen off/ back on. Anyone else seeing this? If not I guess I"m going to have to warranty the phone.
Here's my edumacated guess. Some app is making your phone go crazy and it's not the button. If this still happens after you do a factory data reset, then you have a hardware problem. (Not likely).

Just on a hunch, don't install anti-virus programs or task-killers. Do a factory data reset and I'm betting that will help your situation.
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