I know the GOP talks about "entitlement spending" and likes to look down their nose at the poor and the elderly when it comes to medical expenses and day to day living expenses (food shelter etc), but I don't understand how they can judge those that have no power nor control over their situation (I'm not referring to the ones that cheat the system because there are plenty of welfare cases that do in fact cheat the system) but they feel that people making over 250K should be "entitled" to lavish lifestyles while many people are trying to survive day to day.
I personally find it a little backwards that a person can put an honest 8 hours (most likely more than 8 hours) worth of work and gets taxed more than someone that is enjoying a life of leisure via the luxury of
vulture venture capitalism or any other income that does not require actual work. I find that sense of entitlement to be about the same as the welfare case that believes he "deserves" to have money to eat.
Of course, the GOP will try to convince people that those living off of the backs of others are some sort of royalty that deserve our adoration else they'll leave our shores for countries that give them a pass on their gluttonous wealth.
If people like that Facebook idiot want to leave this country to avoid paying taxes on the money they earned while here then I say good riddance. This country was founded in defiance of the tyrannies being levied on its people by the English. The English also felt they were entitled to the spoils of all the hard work being done by the colonials. History has taught us what happens when those in power siphon all the wealth and prosperity for themselves.
Of course, you still have those people that will follow blindly because they've been brainwashed to believe that they're on the verge of breaking through that glass ceiling and participating in the spoils of victory. Once they've figured out that the ceiling isn't made of glass, but concrete, I believe the phrase "going postal" will apply.
Hell, now that I think about it, it can't be a coincidence....