Yeah, it blows me away that rush Limbaugh is the #1 radio personality. Statistics like that make me understand why our country is in the shape it is in.
Every time the other sides tries radio (remember Air America?) they fail. Limbaugh is highly rated and number 1 for a reason. Do you really think listeners are stupid?
Are you aware of the infamous Harry Reid letter?
From wikepedia: "On October 2, 2007, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid wrote a letter to Mark P. Mays, President and CEO of Clear Channel Communications, who is Limbaugh's chief patron. In it Senator Reid essentially demanded that Mays order Limbaugh to apologize for remarks he made concerning "phony soldiers."
phony soldier is someone who is not a soldier at all but is pretending to be one, especially in a public forum. Such activity is unlawful, and the faker whose activity prompted Limbaugh's attacks has since been convicted and punished.
This letter was co-signed by nearly all Democratic senators. In a speech in Philadelphia on October 11th, Limbaugh announced plans to sell the original letter on eBay in a charity auction. The proceeds went to the Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation. The letter sold for $2.1 million and Limbaugh matched the winning amount with a total of $4.2 million being donated."
Absolutely nothing any democratic radio personality would garner such attention or cash. Keep in mind that Reid wasted your money and the time of nearly every democrat (rather, nearly every democrat wasted your money) in an effort to silence a citizen for freely speaking the truth. Consider the implications of THAT for a moment.
The fact of the matter is, Rush was spot on. He called some people phony soldiers because they were. Rush was talking about fake soldiers trying various scams to raise cash or further some crazy cause.
He was very clear and very specific about who he was talking about and he was spot on. He did not lie and he was NOT talking about every soldier. If you listen to Rush, you will understand that he loves and respects our men and women in uniform.
Few people that comment on Rush and his show actually listen to it and that is very sad.