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Mobile World Congress 2012

Looking forward to see what new phones are coming out. HTC step up!!!
Whos excited? :D Only 1 month left to go!! SGSIII WOOO

Well there's rumors that Samsung may not announce the GS3 at MWC. They are still undecided. They might just have their own event. It's all speculation though. I for one can't wait to see this phone.
Same! Its been about 1 year now and the SGSII is still argueably the best top high end android phone out there. iPhone killer, 1.2ghz dual core vs 1ghz dual core. Poor Apple can't even find the parts to manufacture the phone and use iPad2 parts rofl. iPhone 4S surely will look dead when this phone comes out, when it can't even compete with its predecessor
I want quad cores with ICS phones!!! I have high expectations for MWC12 as the one in Vegas (I forgot the name) last month was a big disappointment.
I want quad cores with ICS phones!!! I have high expectations for MWC12 as the one in Vegas (I forgot the name) last month was a big disappointment.

Vegas was CES (consumer electronics show) and you're right. I really didn't hear anything that wow'd me from their :(
The minute Eldar's name was associated as the source of the MWC/SGS3 rumor, I didn't believe it. Despite that, many blogs quote him as highly reliable. LoL at that one.

Here's what's likely to happen, just swagging here -

HTC will show knock-your-socks-off products at MWC.

Samsung will attempt to maintain mindshare by announcing later and likely succeed. That alone will tend to dampen HTC enthusiasm. Plus by then, HTC will have shown its marketing hand, and Samsung will be in position to claim newer and better.
I don't even know who this Eldar guy is, how does he get his hands on this tech? I did a search on him and theres similar cases about him with Nokia.

Yeah I agree with you, some rumours also say they are waiting a little longer so that it can compete with the iPhone 5. I learnt a new word 'Mindshare' :P

They want to create even more hype, like how the Google phone does it. By dedicating an event just for one phone I guess.
Eldar is a knowledgeable guy from Russia with a cult following, as he's blogged and tweeted about Android for some time. How he gets his hands on things is anyone's guess, but there are a few other cats out there in the blogosphere similar to him in that sense. One or two of them are testers for the Android makers and leak info anonymously, as they're sailing close to the wind where their non-disclosure agreements are concerned. Famous Eldarisms include the hoopla that the SGS3 was coming to MWC, that Google could not release ICS and the Nexus without a revamp because they discovered patent infringement issues at the last minute (where the Nexus with ICS was released 22 days later and was in manufacturing well before that), that Gingerbread would be a UI revamp over Froyo and release in Oct 2010 (no big UI revamp and release in Dec 2010), etc etc etc.

My favorite thing about Eldar Murtazin is undying meme that we ought to care about his predictions because he's always dead on - when he's just as hilariously wrong as I am. Actually, thinking about it, my prediction rate is a bit better than his, and I don't hold a candle to the prediction accuracy rate for a lot of our members here. :D :D

And yep, there's also the iPhone thing to care about, I'm sure. I overlooked that, probably I shouldn't have in any marketing discussion.

Orgs with as much money as Samsung and Apple can make their own big events, I guess that's natural.

While I'm sure the SGS3 will make the big market impact in 2012, I'm more interested in seeing near term what HTC is up to. They announced recently a fundamental shift to their market approach, going to fewer handset variations and simplifying their line-up for folks. Many have clamored for that for years, and so I'm interested in how the market responds to getting what they've asked for.

Also, the battlecry for those who've not tried recent versions is that Sense is a bloaty resource hog, but along with it already being much improved, and with Sense offering people-centric apps all along, a feature that finally made its way into Android with ICS, I'm very interested to see how they'll integrate the two.

Plus, it's starting to look that HTC is embracing soft buttons. I like my hard buttons, and I'll be sad to see them go. I still maintain that HTC has been the only Android maker to get the button layout right, so I'll be interested in what my future choices are going to look like.

I think the big news for all of us will hit post-MWC and post SGS3 announcement: what will the hardware landscape really look like when Google becomes the one true Motorola overlord?

And chips, chips, chips, yeah, yeah, yeah - will someone PLEASE show some new screen tech at MWC? Pretty please?

Anyway, yeah, that's it for me.
Eldar is a knowledgeable guy from Russia with a cult following, as he's blogged and tweeted about Android for some time. How he gets his hands on things is anyone's guess, but there are a few other cats out there in the blogosphere similar to him in that sense. One or two of them are testers for the Android makers and leak info anonymously, as they're sailing close to the wind where their non-disclosure agreements are concerned. Famous Eldarisms include the hoopla that the SGS3 was coming to MWC, that Google could not release ICS and the Nexus without a revamp because they discovered patent infringement issues at the last minute (where the Nexus with ICS was released 22 days later and was in manufacturing well before that), that Gingerbread would be a UI revamp over Froyo and release in Oct 2010 (no big UI revamp and release in Dec 2010), etc etc etc.

My favorite thing about Eldar Murtazin is undying meme that we ought to care about his predictions because he's always dead on - when he's just as hilariously wrong as I am. Actually, thinking about it, my prediction rate is a bit better than his, and I don't hold a candle to the prediction accuracy rate for a lot of our members here. :D :D

And yep, there's also the iPhone thing to care about, I'm sure. I overlooked that, probably I shouldn't have in any marketing discussion.

Orgs with as much money as Samsung and Apple can make their own big events, I guess that's natural.

While I'm sure the SGS3 will make the big market impact in 2012, I'm more interested in seeing near term what HTC is up to. They announced recently a fundamental shift to their market approach, going to fewer handset variations and simplifying their line-up for folks. Many have clamored for that for years, and so I'm interested in how the market responds to getting what they've asked for.

Also, the battlecry for those who've not tried recent versions is that Sense is a bloaty resource hog, but along with it already being much improved, and with Sense offering people-centric apps all along, a feature that finally made its way into Android with ICS, I'm very interested to see how they'll integrate the two.

Plus, it's starting to look that HTC is embracing soft buttons. I like my hard buttons, and I'll be sad to see them go. I still maintain that HTC has been the only Android maker to get the button layout right, so I'll be interested in what my future choices are going to look like.

I think the big news for all of us will hit post-MWC and post SGS3 announcement: what will the hardware landscape really look like when Google becomes the one true Motorola overlord?

And chips, chips, chips, yeah, yeah, yeah - will someone PLEASE show some new screen tech at MWC? Pretty please?

Anyway, yeah, that's it for me.

Competition is always a good thing, so definitely want to see HTC get back into the game. They had a rough 2011. And yes, fewer variations is good, if the product is good. Its a gamble, if its not well received, its a much bigger loss also.

You may like hard buttons, but the beauty of soft buttons, you can set them up however you want if you root and rom. I just wish you didn't have to root and rom, maybe in Jelly Bean they will change that.
Barcelona :)

Maybe I can wrangle a free trip. Barcelona you say? Several great guitar makers in Spain. Certainly reason enough to visit. And let's not forget the Zoco distilleries.

Forget the mobile crap, much more important things to do in Spain than some silly mobile world congress.

Maybe I'll have 50 keys of premium Iberico shipped to my home.
Competition is always a good thing, so definitely want to see HTC get back into the game. They had a rough 2011. And yes, fewer variations is good, if the product is good. Its a gamble, if its not well received, its a much bigger loss also.

Actually, they set records all year until the fourth quarter and that was 100% due to a nosedive in November that correlated to Apple legal threats in the press.

2011 total revenue was about US$ 15.77 billion, compared to US$ 9.43 billion in 2010.

They bragged at the end of 2010 that they'd double or triple their smartphone sales in 2011, and when they didn't hit that target, they got raked over the coals and then the press just went Samsung-Samsung-Samsung all year long, as if there is there but one definitive Android maker.

And according to Engadget and others when the Q4 results hit, they twisted that around until they were happy to report that HTC was spitting blood in no small part due to antiquated technology and ripping off poor defenseless Apple, all of which is 100% laughably false.

But then the tech blogs also took Apple's 37 million Q4 2011 iPhones shipped, compared to Samsung's 32 million in the same period and declared a total turnaround for Apple and that the iPhone was now once again dominant. Never mind that the iPhone was behind Android to the tune of at least 15 million smartphones, where's the shock value in that?

So, yes, Samsung has become the gorilla in the Android corner, but it's far from the only choice - and Android is all about choice.

As far as fewer variations, I agree, we'll have to see how that works out for HTC. US carriers love product differentiation. Did VZW get the Evo 3D or the Sensation (the 3D being a variation of the Sensation platform)? No, they got a Sensation with more memory and different colors and that's the Rezound.

Hard to imagine HTC telling Verizon that they can't get a custom build of anything they want when Motorola simply says, and how many of those would you like? Multiply by number of carriers and it's going to get mighty interesting.
The HTC Desire made it big in the previous years, and I see many people with the HTC Wildfire in school. However though the price of the Wildfire and Galaxy Ace are similar and spec wise I would have opted for the Ace. I can see why Apple got the lawyers out struggling to deal with the competition so they try to knock them down. iPhone 4S is evidence.

The Samsung Galaxy SIII also has talk about being delayed because they want to release it simultaneously worldwide. Last year America were late to receive the SII.

EDIT: It looks to me that HTC also market similarly to Apple whilst giving more choice. Compare their websites
So what did you think? :p

I've a frequent visitor to the Apple website since they first started with OS X, and an HTC visitor since 2009, so I went in with some expectations and biases and I was surprised.

HTC has recently changed their page layouts for a number of their phones - again. I think the last layout matched the Apple layout for Macs, but now - hard to say. The HTC bloat is varying by page, the Rezound page wouldn't load, and the Sensation page has been "improved" until it's completely uninformative - again.

I hadn't been to the iPhone page in ages. Wow. A full-court press to hard sell the iP4s. Images that shout away page space until your eyes can't be happy until you leave the site. Talk about lowest common denominator pushy selling for the highest common denominator device pricing. I got disgusted trying to look up the iP4 and iP3gs pages and gave up.

So - um, both are similar in front-running for Most Major Suckage in Bad Web Design, and there's so much scrolling and waiting to do that you can forget what it was you were looking for in the first place.

If your point was for a general block layout, I'd have agreed, and maybe that's still there, on pages I didn't visit again.

Interesting, though. HTC looks like they want me trust them for info on my phone when I can't on their web, and Apple wants me to believe that if I buy their product, I've arrived, when the message is so dolled up it looks like a Friday night streetwalker in the trucking district.

I always thought Eldar had good seers with them :p :D

Lma0 so now I got nothing to sit on, I just hope that you're satisfied. :D
Apple is so sneaky, filling pages with airbrushed idevices. The sheep stand no chance against the green looking grass, its everywhere. I still don't think that justifies the price for according with spec though :D
Nicee, theres not that much about the Motorola to spark my interests. But the HTC Endeavor, Quad core wow :cool: But let down by a 8MP and 1.3MP front facing. I would have expected a 12MP plus and something like a 3MP front to beat the SGII's 2MP, because it is a flagship as they say. Even games consoles will soon be devoured by android phwarr :D
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