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More squabbling, suits and counter suits

They should make it so these companies have something to lose. If apples says "hey, we own that," then they should have to risk, say the entire block of pattens related to the mac mini or something. If they win, they get blockbusters thing, if they lose, those patents are gone for good. ;)

Off topic, but slightly related. Remember when Disney trademarked Seal Team Six right after they got Bin Laden? Well, for that, if I was in charge, they would have lost three of their trade marks, like Mickey Mouse ;) This new justice system would be at least more fun and interesting. :D
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It's not hard when the patent clerk is ...

Again a problem that has arisen because of closed source closed minded people who are only iterested in making a buck. The tragedy here is the users who pay for these things are being totally ignored and overlooked. Since Jobs has died I think Apple has changed its business plan from "Lets be innovated to Lets get Sue Happy" The only people actually making any money here is the Lawyers. I really think the whole "Sue" thing just spells bad business. Still in the end we are the ones who gets screwed not the companies.
This was happening way before his death. From what I understand he wanted to do away with Android because he saw it as a cheap copy of iOS.
If by 'cheap' you mean open source ;)

Originality is overrated, and really, everything is just a copy of something else. Which can get a bit recursive, so I'll stop here ;)
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I was trying to get as close to his words as I could remember, the point I was trying to make was this isn't a new strategy for Apple since Jobs died rather this has been their playbook all along.
yeah, I remember reading about that too... It's too bad. In the PC market they are like "look at us, we deserve a chance too!" but in the mobile market where there is some competition "Hey, that's stolen! We'll get you with our eight million lawyers..."

It's kinda sad really.
They learned from their past mistakes. MS played Mr. Big in the PC market with them, now they get to play Mr. Big in the mobile market.
They learned from their past mistakes. MS played Mr. Big in the PC market with them, now they get to play Mr. Big in the mobile market.

I don't think Jobs ever forgave Bill Gates for what he saw as a stab in the back and I believe it was the main reason Jobs was so adament about going after Android. He saw Rubin as another Gates, and this drove him nuts. Personally, I don't think Tim Cook has any other options than to stay the course and continue filing lawsuits and going after Android using manufacturers.
With Jobs dead Apples days are numbered, they might have a 10 ye out look of his vision, if they follow it, they may stay on top for that time, but just like when they fired him, it will soon head into the toilet.
With Jobs dead Apples days are numbered, they might have a 10 ye out look of his vision, if they follow it, they may stay on top for that time, but just like when they fired him, it will soon head into the toilet.

Once Jon Ivy goes, you could be right. But as of now, the creative genious is still at Apple and Tim Cook was the brains behind getting products to consumers. Jobs was the salesman, but I would argue that Jobs did such a great job with brand recognition, the salesman is no longer needed.

But forecasting out 10 years from now? Hell, Google could be dead. With Oracle, Apple and Microsoft going after Google you could very easily say Google's days are numbered. I don't believe it, just playing devil's advocate.

P.S. Apple doesn't have a sodapop manager as a CEO, so I don't think your anology to Apple in the 80's and early 90's would be the same as today with Cook and Ivy.
Apple is Jobs, Jobs was Apple, without him its a sinking ship.

Android and Google will put them at the bottom like MS has.

Why?? for the same reason MS won the battle, lower cost, and not some nazi company telling you what you can and can't do after paying 3 times more then others....

Apple is only doing so well as their devices are fade, look at me Im rich devices, its only fashionable to own apple stuff, not logical.
Apple is set to have almost every Android manufacturer paying them each time a device is sold. That is what they are trying to get from the lawsuits IMO. Apple is a very popular brand name. Other OEMs would love for their name to be like Apple's is. That is what Jobs did for the company and I don't think it will wear off in the next 10 years. Anything they change about the OS or any product they release becomes something you (John Q. Public) didn't know you needed. With that much pull in todays market they are set to be a major player for a long time to come.
That's why a Chinese company that made a refrigerator with the name ifridge got sued for the name. I really don't think anyone could mistake a fridge for an i device.
And yet apple built IOS off of a unix system using many of free source code to build their evil empire. Not that At&t hasnt wanted to they also wanted a commission from apple in the early 80's if im remembering my history correctly
Not to mention Cisco's operating system has been called ios way before apple got into it. Which is why I tend to call it apple ios, because when I hear ios I think of typing all the cisco commands to get pings and routing protocols working :D
Just read a book on Linux and open source. ATT was sponsoring or working with a California university with BSD.

Apple took the free code and added enough to make it their own without putting too much back.
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