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Moto X 2014 camera quality discussion


hakuna matata
Has anyone read all these review? What is the consensus on the camera quality? I'm contemplating this, G3, new Nexus, and new Moto Droid.
I've read several and the consensus is that the camera is better than last year's but still average and not as good as the other current flagships.

Most of the reviews say that it is good enough, but the Anandtech review is the most thorough on the camera and it is not kind to the X.
Consensus is that the camera is decent but not great. A big step up from the camera in the original X, but the colors are often over-saturated and the focus isn't always the most accurate, and can be noisy in low-light photos.

Everyone loves the camera interface though, and its supposed to be incredibly fast.

From what I've seen out of pictures its good enough for me (I'll use a higher end dedicated camera if I really care about the picture) but its not going to match up to the LG G3 or Samsung GS5. The back camera at least is probably better than the HTC One (m8) though.

Nexus and Droid are still unknowns of course, but the next Sony phone will also likely have a top notch camera.

EDIT: MKBHD Video Review is up
You should check it out, he does a good job going over the strengths and weaknesses of the camera. And its one of the better done video reviews I've watched for the device (as far as detailing actual user experience with the phone)
Would it be possible to fix the camera faults through a software update? Surprising that Motorola can't make a camera as good as the others. This will impact sales as the camera is a key selling point.
Would it be possible to fix the camera faults through a software update? Surprising that Motorola can't make a camera as good as the others. This will impact sales as the camera is a key selling point.

With cameras it's hard to know what can be fixed with software and what cannot.

The original Moto X camera improved a lot with just some software and firmware updates. But in the end it was still never an "AWESOME" camera (though I found it "good").

I'm pretty sure MKBHD's complaint about focus can be improved with software, possibly even turning off the instant "tap-to-shoot" setting -- leaving tap as "re-focus".

Low light performance is almost always bad on phones though. So that would be unlikely to improve.
Has anyone read all these review? What is the consensus on the camera quality? I'm contemplating this, G3, new Nexus, and new Moto Droid.

You will probably be disappointed with the camera on the Nexus, I've had three Nexus phones and all three have had sub-standard cameras. Historically, the Nexus line's primary purpose was to be then phone for developers and a phone you could buy without a contract cheap. So a high quality camera wasn't a high priority for developers and would raise the price point. Maybe they'll change it for the N6, ya never know.
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