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My cat is sick

Great news, and once you have all your questions answered, I'm sure you'll be much more at ease.
Great news, and once you have all your questions answered, I'm sure you'll be much more at ease.
Yes, definitely. :)

We're taking her back to the vet on Tuesday, just for her shots--he didn't want to give them to her when we weren't sure what was wrong. So I'm waiting until then to go over my list with him in person.
It's been a long day, and I need to get my thoughts in order before posting details. The very brief version is that Joy Noelle was ROYALLY PISSED OFF at being stuck four times today. :o

Her treatment plan will include subcutaneous fluids every other day:


which we'll start tomorrow. If she thought 4 shots today were bad, just wait until we run fluids into her every other day!
My beautiful, favorite cat, Joy Noelle, is sick. :(

Yesterday I happened to be passing by one of the rooms that has a litter box--and she was peeing on the mat, not in the box. I just stood there gaping at her; she never potties outside a cat box.

She finished peeing and sat down a few inches away. She didn't know I was behind her. I called out to her, "Joy...Joy Noelle?", and she looked at me and groaned "mmmmmmm"

I scooped her up and took her to my room; she was moaning the whole time. The minute my live-in helper got home I told her; I was almost in tears.

We had both noticed things recently, like being able to feel her hip-bones. We had made an appointment with my vet--who my helper used to work for--for her regular checkup next Tuesday. But we called and they said to bring her in right away.

My vet gave her 100cc of fluids (she was dehydrated), and drew blood and urine for a full lab panel. He sent us home with antibiotics, and will call when the lab results are in. We're all thinking renal failure...but maybe we're wrong, and it's just a little bladder infection.

Here's a recent pic of her sleeping on her favorite piece of furniture: me!

View attachment 143863

Please send prayers, healing thoughts, whatever your thing is, our way. I've had her since she was ≈5 weeks old, and she'll turn 15 in October. I adore her...

I hope your kitty is doing better. The fact you noticed her change in behavior early and got some treatment really helps.
Thanks guys. I think I have my thoughts in order now!

My vet was getting a little annoyed with me yesterday. :o He's known me a long time (13 years) and has seen me a zillion times. He knows how I am about my pets! So he should've expected what he got--a long list of questions, reviewing Joy Noelle's records, etc. :)

Anyway, I have a printed report for the ultrasound from the specialist. If I can flatten it back out I'll post it. Its bottom line is that there were no abnormal growths found, there are bilateral renal changes (both kidneys have decreased in size), bunch of other stuff, and treatment should include a renal diet and frequent follow-up labs.

My vet's plan is to do monthly labs--forever--feed her k/d as strictly as possible (bye-bye Temptations :( ), give her 75mL fluids every other day, give her Calcitriol (which has to be compounded and special ordered; it's shipping directly to me), give her famotidine 10mg daily, and 1mL of this


antacid twice daily.

She is not going to like any of this one bit--especially monthly visits with "the mean man" for blood and urine needle draws.

This is, by far, the most aggressive, and earliest, treatment I've ever experienced. My other four cats with renal failure were far along when they were diagnosed. But one of them lived to 18-1/2, the last 5 years on k/d only--none of this other stuff. I read a lot last night and saw how things have changed since then.

I'm extremely optimistic now about Joy Noelle's future. She'll turn 15 next month, and I see many more birthdays in her future. The treatment plan is a pain--no two ways about that! But she's so worth it. :)
Thanks for the update. Sorry to hear about the aggressive treatment, but if it means she will be in a better place overall then it will be worth it. Give her an extra tummy rub for us!
The k/d I ordered from Chewy came today. Being the mother of a highly intelligent little girl, I came up with a devious plan. :o


Guess what I put in the pink Temptations bag? Yep, k/d dry food. I tested it on Big Brian--he WOLFED it down (but he'll eat anything)--before calling Joy into the bedroom. She totally fell for it! Gobbled it right down. :D

Haven't tried the canned food yet, but hopefully she'll like it, too.

We did her first fluid infusion today. She cried the whole time. :( I felt like such a bad mother. As soon as we were done, I just cuddled her on my bed, but she wanted none of it. She took off as soon as I let go. Oh well, it's for her own good...
Just curious but I've read that about a third of cats are indifferent to catnip. Are any or all of your cats big catnip fans?
Yes, they're all catnip lovers! Especially Joy Noelle. She knows the exact drawer in my rolltop desk where the container of Cosmic Catnip is stored. When she sees my hand going for its handle, watch out! :D
I'm surprised Joy hasn't figured out how to access the drawer. It took child proof locks on our cabinet doors and drawers to keep our cat out of them. Cats are crafty.
She's not tall enough! I mean, she can reach it, but wouldn't be able to pull the drawer open at that angle.

And since I always keep the rolltop closed, she can't approach it from above--she gets up on top of the desk, which is flat, but trying to climb down the curved rolltop wouldn't work. She'd slide off. Poor baby. :D

What kind of container is/was your catnip in? I've had some in baggies...which looked like something from my youth for some odd reason :o ...but Cosmic Catnip comes in a plastic bottle with a screw-on cap.

And, yes, cats are crafty. Some more than others.
It wasn't so much the quest for catnip, once she discovered she could open a cabinet door or drawer they were all fair game. She is the first cat that has owned me. I'm constantly amazed at how crafty and resourceful they are. Inquisitive... she has to know what's inside of everything.
We received the special-order med (Calcitriol) today, and I was kind of amused by the big red warning on it:


Like, dudes, we know it's hot here! ;)

As for Joy Noelle...our new regimen isn't going so well.

She's literally fighting tooth and nail when I shove her famotidine pill down her throat every day. Ditto for the twice-daily squirts of antacid, and I'm sure it'll be more of the same with her daily Calcitriol. She doesn't eat enough k/d, and I'm not supposed to feed her anything else. And then there's her every other day fluid injections...

Yesterday, I had her in my lap on the bed, got everything ready, stuck the long needle in, and started the IV bag flowing. And my leg got sprayed. I SHOUTED for my helper (both hands were in use), and she came running. "I don't know what's wrong, but I'm getting wet. I'm sure I tightened the needle, so I don't know what's wrong."

Guess what I had done? I'd gone right THROUGH her. So the needle went in AND out. I couldn't see it because of her fur. My helper, the former vet tech, calmly took it out, put on another new needle, stuck it in, and I resumed the flow. I felt like shit. Like a really bad parent. It's bad enough that she has to be stuck, but three times?! I'm so pissed off at myself. :(
Don't beat yourself up over it Moody. So many pet owners would not be willing to go the distance you are tasked with. Even though they love their pets.. if it puts them out then forget it. Love them, feed them, seek care for them but when the road reaches that steep grade.. well... that's just too much to bother with.

You are doing what you can at the best of your ability. You love your dear friend and trying to extend her existence. It's hard on poor Joy and hard on you too. A heavy price you two are paying. No fun... but administered with love.
Back to the vet tomorrow. He wanted to see her today, but we couldn't do it. So tomorrow, to address her near-total not eating, and being cold. I'm scared to see what the scale shows...
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