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Need help, a few questions... a complete answer is worth $5


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2011
Alright, I'm no newb to rooting and flashing, but I am a scaredy cat who can't afford to buy a new phone if I screw things up. It took me 2 years to save up to get this phone, so forgive me if these questions seem dumb. I will gladly give the person who takes the time to help me $5 via paypal for a correct and thorough response.

What I have: Galaxy S2 "titanium" (gray), since this is a new phone I'll post up the info listed in phone info (I assume it's the same as the white one aside from the color, but just incase)

Model number: SPH-D710BST
Android version: 4.0.4
Baseband version: S:D710.10S.FL24
Kernel version: 3.0.15-981989

1) Is Boost's version of the Samsung Galaxy S2 different than other Galaxy S2's hardware wise? I know some SGS2's are definitely different, might there be a way to tell which (if any) SGS2's are the same as our SGS2 like a list, or a model number or something?

2) Can roms designed for other phones/carriers be flashed to our SGS2? If so, are there any that I should avoid, or a way I can verify if the rom will be compatible before "pulling the trigger"? (I have read the top thread about getting sprint roms to work, but that didn't exactly answer this question)

3) Can the SGS2 be returned to factory rom via odin or something similar?

4) I've heard that samsung has a flash counter that is tripped when you flash a custom rom, is this true, and is there a way to reset it with this particular model (i've heard the usb jig doesn't work with newer models)

I have searched, and I may have overlooked the answers to these seemingly simple questions, but I just want to be absolutely sure of myself. Thanks for your consideration


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