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Root nees help frustrated af!!!

I tried the one click root method originally on 10f with decent success.
2nd time around my computer started having massive trouble recognizing my device in download mode so after wasting a good amount of time attempting a workaround, I used king root .
The latest version from their site didn't work so I used a copy of the app I found on xda which worked perfectly.

Except kingroot is friggen cancer, yo. After attaining root, I installed twrp and flashed supersu. Once I had supersu for root management, I disabled king root and changed the file names for each of the kingroot components to avoid conflicting supervision by the two apps.

Kingroot decided it was more important than what I want and came out of slumber to remind me how desperate I had been to be rooted again.

Installed cm 12.1 and haven't looked back since. Kingroot works, but quickly shows you who's the damn boss.
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