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Root New jelly bean rom for micromax a50

So heres the idea..Eliora is an open source rom platform for android Created by pavel singh!!What Really excites people is that it is fully customisable by the people demselves soo no boundations!!Also Eliora features different distros-Each one under a specifc name and u can upload our cwm Backup for others to try..So try Modify and Upload... :D but dont forget to do one thing"Have fun".... :D :D ;D

About the rom
So this is an interesting story!!What happened was,On a regular day,Pavel was Checking his facebook page when he sudddenly saw a post on A50 user forums...It appeared that Micromax A50,(bieng an extremely nice phone)Was not being a target for developers!!Only one rom i.e Jetmod 3.0 was developed which had a major bluetooth issue!!this lead him to think that what will happen if every mobile user becomes a developer himself?Thats why,He made Eliora!! you must be surprised to know that first version of Eliora was actually called Pavel's Rom..It would never have transformed into this concept if a guy named Lakshman Teja would not have encouraged pavel to develop that for general public!!According to pavel,when he started developing Eliora he never knew that this concept will be going to named Eliora..This name was taken after googling a synonym for light!!Now when he started developing the rom,He realised that It was an amazing feeling to tweak android and he wanted to give that same feeling to each and every person using android so he modded the rom in such a way that it can be tweaked easily!!(tools like pimp my rom were added)..Users can thus control there rom and the best part is that they can also share there rom as This rom introduced a new method of installation!!(instead of using update.zip,Which is quite hard for a biginner to make it uses Rar installation technique much simpler than any rom developing method(And this method is also discovered by pavel)..Developers laugh when they are given hint that there update is a rar package but thats how it is!!So if u want to try this rom,shift to next page..If u are interested in developing your own rom first step to next page for Downloading the rom(if u want) and then step to the uploads guidelines page!!

Eliora free Download
Eliora download redirects from here pls read the below statement for intructions on how to download and install

This is currently only for micromax a50 ninja (so unless u own that device pls dont download as it will result in wastage of resources and time plus it wont work on your device also and it may corrupt it..So whats the use!!)


Hello there,
this is pavel to the downloader concerned
And this is the instructions to install Eliora basic rom The latest rom by eliora!! It was launched on new year...2013

so before we start-

Disclaimer-This rom is free and open source howewhere Pavel(the person who made this)is not liable in any manner incase something unwanted happens with the device(such as bricking)..Howewhere it is stricltly adviced to follow the procedures to avoid any unwanted happenings
-Always ready for development(Pavel Singh,A50 community)

So here are the insructions

Requirements-Micromax A50,CWM recovery,winrar or any rar extracting system,Pc,memory card with atleast 1 gb free and last but not the least Common sense(not htc sense):p :p :p

First extract All the contents of the given rar package

then open the folder where u have extracted the contents

U will se a folder named Eliora..This is your rom or u can say my rom backup(Creating update.Zip was more time consuming therefore i used this method)

put this rom into your dir sd card/clockworkmod/backup

disconnect phone nd boot into cwm

Open Backup and restore menu

select restore option

Select Eliora from the menu

sit back and relax

Reebot your device

Holo launcher will show force close error
(dont panic its just aise hi..It will automatically correrct itself)

Now your fone is running on eliora custom rom Do whatewhwere u like( i HAve added many features like pimp my rom for people like u if u want to tweak ur device(better performance etc etc etc)
Also i have added many features which you will slowly observe
(A thank u on indievers page will not kill u so please if u really liked my effortz pls dont hesitate to share it wid other users)..

Will make the next version of eliora rom soon so Chillax!!
(i hope that it will be better than jetmod(Guys i am only 11th ka student)

I want a developmnt team so whoever is interested pls mail me
or message me on fb


Upload Guidelines
As u know There is a lot of R&D going on for this ROM therefore in order to avoid complications(Keep it simple silly!!)We have appointed some guidelines for u to follow!!So please follow the following guidelines carefully-

There will be a few distros(distributions)of the Eliora rom the currently launched is called Eliora Basic or Eliora Base rom!!

following updates will be out for eliora rom series-

Eliora Base V.1.1-The next update for base rom!!

Eliora Thunder-Performnce series of roms!!

Eliora Luna-Themeable Series!!

Eliora Illumina-Innovative roms like Ics update!!

Eliora Entertaino-For media streaming like mp3 quality etc!!

Eliora Social-Social networking on the go!!

Now these templates will be for the base roms users can use these template and make new rom under USR SERIES(USER SERIES)

FOE EG. if i take eliora Luna and make Jellybean theme i will name it Eliora-Luna-Usr-Jb

thus after user,You can out your own extension but u must put Eliora-(distro name)
This method will avoid any confusions!!


  • Eliora (2).jpg
    Eliora (2).jpg
    777.1 KB · Views: 227
the best part is that they can also share there rom as This rom introduced a new method of installation!!(instead of using update.zip,Which is quite hard for a biginner to make it uses Rar installation technique much simpler than any rom developing method(And this method is also discovered by pavel)..Developers laugh when they are given hint that there update is a rar package but thats how it is!!
Hahahahahahaha !
Biggest Joke of the year X-D
Man , can't stop laughing :p
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