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New Lounge Location - Love it / Hate It?

Mods didn't move the Lounge location. That was done by Uber Dood Admin Phaserooni.

Hey ja!! :mad:

So true!

Its all Phases fault!

His fault I say!

Burn him at the stake!

Get your pitch forks and torches folks!!

Lets start an agry mob!

But seriously I don't like the new layout at all... :( :(

It sux donkey nuggets.

Or maybe I am just not used to it?? :confused:

I dunno maybe I need to get used to it 1st?
Maybe the Phandroid Higher Powers that Be want more happy donkeys to join up.

Diversity is lacking here, for sure.



You always crack me up duuuuuude :)

What about Kangaroos? Springbuck?? Lions?? Cheetahs? EarthWorms?


Best of all...

What about us Roaches and our coaches!!??

We roaches and our coaches get verbally abused like 24 / 7 on these forums!

Its insane!

It is discrimination!

Madness I say!!



lol you crack me up Frisco!

What the heck is a springbuck??


nnnnoooo :'(

Say it aint so!!

Thats like our national animal! :( :( :(

How could you!? :mad:

heheheh :D

We are famous for our SpringBuck also called a "SpringBok" in Afrikaans / Dutch

It is a very springy and "jumps a lot".

Here is one they can jump pretty damn high actually:


They make AWESOME biltong! :D

Yak yak yak! xD

Biltong - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We were the 1st to make biltong :D

mmmmmm biltong yummy!
LMAO! Thanks for my ability to learn something new being checked off the list so early.



They are sooo nice and tastey these little guys :)

They make the best biltong in the world by a looong shot... hmm but I guess Kudu is also a really good biltong too actually I dunno which one I prefer!

Hahaha I am such an evil bastard cause I like to eat pretty (but) tastey little guys :)

@ B2L


Well done!

So few people know what a SpringBuck is and all about us! :D

Seriously so few people know what a Spring Buck is!

"Spring" is Afrikaans for "Jump"


Hahah you pretty cool man! :)

Keep well duuuuude



Stinky :D
So from the looks of it Biltong is basically beef jerky, extremely thick beef jerky. :P

Sounds tasty.

Comparison to jerky

Biltong differs from jerky in two distinct ways:

  • The meat used in biltong can be much thicker; typically biltong meat is cut in strips approx 1 inch wide - but can be thicker. Jerky is normally very thin meat.

  • The vinegar and salt in biltong, together with the drying process, cures the meat as well as adding texture and flavour. Jerky is traditionally dried without vinegar.
So from the looks of it Biltong is basically beef jerky, extremely thick beef jerky. :P

Sounds tasty.

HELL YES it is sooo nice and tastey mic tastey :D

I LOVE biltong awesome stuff it is man!

And wow!

Have you ever been to SA duuude? :)

Once upon a time when my family and were touring Zimbabwe we almost got wasted by a crazy Mother Elephant and her baby youngster she was trying to protect because we (foolishly) came too close and she tried to ram our Land Rover

lol that was crazy

Hahah almost dying like that brings back some crazy memories!



Never do that again!

Wow I am so impressed of how much you know about us! You seem like a pretty smart guy man! :D

You are a really cool guy man!

Regards man!

Stinky :D
HELL YES it is sooo nice and tastey mic tastey :D

I LOVE biltong awesome stuff it is man!

And wow!

Have you ever been to SA duuude? :)

Once upon a time when my family and were touring Zimbabwe we almost got wasted by a crazy Mother Elephant and her baby youngster she was trying to protect because we (foolishly) came too close and she tried to ram our Land Rover

lol that was crazy

Hahah almost dying like that brings back some crazy memories!



Never do that again!

Wow I am so impressed of how much you know about us! You seem like a pretty smart guy man! :D

You are a really cool guy man!

Regards man!

Stinky :D

Thanks for the compliment, although I'm not that smart. :P Just extremely good at searching. Lol.

I've never been to South Africa but it definitely sounds interesting, hopefully I can travel there someday.
Thanks for the compliment, although I'm not that smart. :P Just extremely good at searching. Lol.

I've never been to South Africa but it definitely sounds interesting, hopefully I can travel there someday.

Hey man! :)

No worries duuuuude :D

Wow you had me for a second there!

I really thought you had been here once upon a time :D

Well in all fairness and I think it would be right to inform you 1st that our country has many many problems :(

For instance I have barbed wire and electric fenicng all around my house for safety :(

Our country is pretty dangerous :(

Top 10 Most Dangerous Places on Earth

We are no 8 :(
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Hey man! :)

No worries duuuuude :D

Wow you had me for a second there!

I really thought you had been here once upon a time :D

Well in all fairness and I think it would be right to inform you 1st that our country has many many problems :(

For instance I have barbed wire and electric fenicng all around my house for safety :(

Our country is pretty dangerous :(

Top 10 Most Dangerous Places on Earth

We are no 8 :(


Any nation described as the

Rape capital of the world? Sounds pretty scary. :/ You must own a lot of guns, I know I would. Your country is probably really nice, but after seeing that I probably wouldn't take a visit there. Being born in America can be a downfall if you plan on traveling. It seems like almost every country hates Americans, and it's pretty easy to get killed just for being American.

Ja... we are... the rape capital of the world :(

Yes our country is pretty messed up in a lot of ways :(

We had a "revolution" and our country has gone down hill ever since then.

Our President is also a rapist and got off the hook just because he is connected sometimes I hate this place with all my heart and hate it so damn much I jsut wanna scream my lungs out :(

Jacob Zuma rape trial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes I used to own some guns (9 mil and shot gun) but I got mentally ill and gave them to family members :(

I was actaully a pretty good shooter

I am no longer allowed to own a fire arm because of my mental issues though.

I had a mental break down :(
Ja... we are... the rape capital of the world :(

Yes our country is pretty messed up in a lot of ways :(

We had a "revolution" and our country has gone down hill ever since then.

Our President is also a rapist and got off the hook just because he is connected sometimes I hate this place with all my heart and hate it so damn much I jsut wanna scream my lungs out :(

Jacob Zuma rape trial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes I used to own some guns (9 mil and shot gun) but I got mentally ill and gave them to family members :(

I was actaully a pretty good shooter

I am no longer allowed to own a fire arm because of my mental issues though.

I had a mental break down :(

But you got help and are good now. So happy face. :)
But you got help and are good now. So happy face. :)

Hahah :)

So true!

I am a gazzilion times better today! :D

Thank the lord for that!

No room for craziness xD

Hmm but on the other hand there is always room for madness!

You are 120% correct, no need for the feeling down attitude :)



+ 1287

Thanks for waking my crazy ass up lol :)
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