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Next Nexus?

It shouldn't come as a surprise that Apple and Verizon get a long so well while Google and Verizon do not. Apple and Verizon are the biggest supporters of closed network/source around. Verizon paid a large sum for Apple to ALLOW them to sell the iPhone. Android is all about open source and development. There is no way that open source is going to get their way with a closed network unless they make concessions in order for it to happen. That's what Google did with the Galaxy Nexus on Verizon and it is very apparent that they strongly regret that decision to this very day.
Nexus 4 will likely come to Verizon 4-6 months from now. Just like the GNex come to Sprint months latter.
Just my opinion....
I've read Rubin's interview about the Nexus 4. He never directly mentions Verizon, but he's basically saying they don't want to deal with them.
I know that and have been knowing it and that was the premise of my whole comment.... It was regards to him stating "samsung get in there and take over!" like samsung would have made them get LTE pfft. ITS GOOGLE THAT CONTROLS WHAT GOES INTO THE HARDWARE not the manufactures.

If HSPA+ can potentially hit 42Mbps AND use less battery power, I don't see why everyone is complaining. Hell, if that is true I don't even see why 4G exists.
If HSPA+ can potentially hit 42Mbps AND use less battery power, I don't see why everyone is complaining. Hell, if that is true I don't even see why 4G exists.
Because theory doesn't equal real world usage. LTE latency is also way lower.
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