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NFS Shift For Snapdragon,fully working..(HTC Desire,Evo 4g, X10, N1 and other snapdragons)



Need For Speed Shift for snapdragon devices (HTC Desire, X10, Nexus One, Evo 4g and other snapdragons)

It works like a dream.. Im not sure if i can post the link so just google "need for speed shift for snapdragon" and it is the first link and .. Let me know if i am allowed to post the link..

thanks TheTrueSpin for finding it out original thread http://androidforums.com/htc-desire/153800-need-speed-shift-desire-epic.html#post1409500 made the topic here because more people could see it

This might help if ur low on memory and running froyo

How to: Force (all) apps to move to SD on Froyo
NO ROOT REQUIRED! (Thanks t0Msha)
I think you're allowed to post a link since it's only a demo. (assuming it's the same version that's been around)
Full game and it runs completely flawless on the Desire. I'm loving it!

Yup... I think this game has shown that snapdragons can produce high quality games, despite what some people think. On the Desire this games run just as well as it does on the iPhone, and that version was made specifically for 1 hardware configuration. Imagine if there was a version specifically for the Desire!

I would happily pay the devs for this, to show support for devs who take the time and effort to make good Android versions of games. However, for some ungodly reason, this has STILL not been released on the market so our only choice is to download a ripped version.
Yup... I think this game has shown that snapdragons can produce high quality games, despite what some people think. On the Desire this games run just as well as it does on the iPhone, and that version was made specifically for 1 hardware configuration. Imagine if there was a version specifically for the Desire!

I would happily pay the devs for this, to show support for devs who take the time and effort to make good Android versions of games. However, for some ungodly reason, this has STILL not been released on the market so our only choice is to download a ripped version.
Yeah ill be happy to pay if it was released cuz this is such a good game..
Didn't expect it to be this good at all.. do you know if there's any difference between this n iPhone version except online option .. and snapdragon isnt at gamiong at all.. this is proof
i tried it on my galaxy s captivate and the game works but there are no graphics. any way to get this on my captivate?
its a hummingbird. isnt that supposed to be better so wouldnt it work? any idea on how to get it if u have a hummingbird?
I think the point is that the original game is written for the Droid X, and as such is optimised for the GPU in your phone already. You don't need the snapdragon version, just run the one for the Droid X.
trying to instal via astro...and it tells me that i have low space and to delete some applications. This cant be the case when i have like 500mb clear on my dInc. any ideas?
working on rooted HTC desire, running NeoPhyte 1.8, with mod install location..

why is it so hard to drift!?!? LOL!

nice looking game! and for free!!
under the snapdragen dload link there is a link for samsung/droidx

ok i downloaded it and now its in a zip file. i did extract here and i found the apk file with a size of 869 kb. when i put it on my phone it doesnt get past the beginning screen. am i missing something here?
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