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NFS Shift For Snapdragon,fully working..(HTC Desire,Evo 4g, X10, N1 and other snapdragons)

runs great on my vibrant. truly wish the devs will start giving us graphics option. it looks great and all but the devs are holding back graphically so it'll work on older devices such as nexus and desire.
ok i downloaded it and now its in a zip file. i did extract here and i found the apk file with a size of 869 kb. when i put it on my phone it doesnt get past the beginning screen. am i missing something here?

It should be 38MB.

And the one I downloaded was NOT zipped
Says not enough memory for me also. I have 600MB left in phone storage so this shouldn't be a problem. I'm going to try and clean my caches and do a reboot, but I doubt it will fix the problem.

Any ideas?
trying to instal via astro...and it tells me that i have low space and to delete some applications. This cant be the case when i have like 500mb clear on my dInc. any ideas?

same here i heard you can try adb install but i haven't been able to get it to work
I'm having the same exact problem on my Droid Incredible as above. I have 603mb of app storage on my phone but I'm getting an error message saying I do not have enough space and that I should try deleting some more applications. I tried doing so and it still wouldn't work. Anyone have a fix?
unrooted Desire running 2.1 on Orange, got around 65mb free on the phone memory. tried to install using Astro but get the error message, as above, saying there's not enough memory. :(
Call me a moron, but how... do you use nitro boost in this game? Try as I might, I couldn't locate a button/icon for it.

Oh, by the way, if you are rooted and running a ROM that supports moving all apps, the game takes up only 436KB in internal memory. Neat!
Nitro - press the red round button at bottom right hand corner of the screen - under the nitro bottle. Not sure if all cars have it, or you may need to buy it from the shop?
Yes that is internal space. Droid Incredible

It actually installs to phone memory (748mb total) but you most likely have enough space there too. It is a problem on the incredible and it seems the only way to get it to work is flash a 2.2 rom and install on sd
It actually installs to phone memory (748mb total) but you most likely have enough space there too. It is a problem on the incredible and it seems the only way to get it to work is flash a 2.2 rom and install on sd

I have 666MB internal memory.
So any idea's why some people are still unable to install the game, saying it requires more space? EVO
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