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NFS Shift For Snapdragon,fully working..(HTC Desire,Evo 4g, X10, N1 and other snapdragons)

For Vibrant/Captivate, get it here:

http://www.mediafire.com/?lj48qjbuggiqhj4edit: removed link - follow earlier postings - the article has link for Galaxy S class machines...

install the apk, then DON'T run, drag the other folder to root of internal SD - or in the zip, go into the android folder, then into the data folder, and copy the com.ideaworks3d.nfsshift folder to /android/data on the drive mounted from /sdcard/ on your PC (internal sd, NOT the external microSD slot card).

Then just go into option, touch the right arrow, look for the accented e' and switch to english.

Games nice - as soon as it's available to pay, I'll be RIGHT there....

Game seems to work on my Captivate for the most part, except in "Quick Race" "Chicago" "Track 4", it bombs straight out of the program, back to the launcher desktop. Bitches about the heap, and "LCA"

Career mode seems to work fine so far - been through all the Chicago tracks (7) and going to start London tomorrow.

If anyone wants more info, I can post a screenshot.

Just got it working looks good. I feel like it can look way better on my Samsung Galaxy Epic though. We need devs just dedicated to the galaxies! I got this phone over an Evo just for the GPU. Come on Devs, make something great and ill be your first customer! I will be purchasing this game as well :)
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