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Night Owls Club-grab some coffee

but are you happy about the shift change? no matter what time I work/go to school, I would always prefer going to sleep at 4 am...which leads to many four hour nights of sleep during weeknights :eek:
Well, crap.
How come??
It was stay on 3rds with REALLY crappy days off (mon tues wed) or go to first shift with thur, fri off (eek, 5 day work week again:()

but are you happy about the shift change? no matter what time I work/go to school, I would always prefer going to sleep at 4 am...which leads to many four hour nights of sleep during weeknights :eek:

The jury is out, in the 17 years i have been working full time i have never been on first shift. Seeing family and such every day will be a big change for sure.....
You may find you like it.?? Maybe??? Or maybe you like them more because of the current hours. Good luck with that
You may find you like it.?? Maybe??? Or maybe you like them more because of the current hours. Good luck with that

I'll need some luck.... I really like my 'alone' time in mornings when i get home and on the nights i need to stay up... now that is gone... its kinda scarey for real
I can't even imagine.
Will you have the option to go back to 3rd shift of you find that it's too much of an adjustment? I know the days off are crappy but might be worth sanity.
I can't even imagine.
Will you have the option to go back to 3rd shift of you find that it's too much of an adjustment? I know the days off are crappy but might be worth sanity.

only if another spot opens up. this is a result in a total department re-bid. if someone quits etc they will post that spot then highest seniority gets it (i'm at the bottom, even after 5 years)
Oh, that's just GREAT, NA! Now who's gonna amuse me when the insomnia strikes, eh? Jeez, can't you ever think of anyone besides yourself? :mad:

;) Hope you end up liking the new hours!

It was stay on 3rds with REALLY crappy days off (mon tues wed) or go to first shift with thur, fri off (eek, 5 day work week again:()

The jury is out, in the 17 years i have been working full time i have never been on first shift. Seeing family and such every day will be a big change for sure.....

Does not sound too bad. I miss getting off of work on Thursdays and having the rest of the night as well as the weekends. You'll love it!

It's been a while since I've seen your face, gotta say that I'm happy to see you come aroud this place... :)
Finished my 12 hour shift, staying up to get the kids ready for school while the old lady goes to parent teacher confrence today. Then going back in tonight on my weekend off.

HOws the new shift treating you NighAngel?
Holy thread went down the swamp stank....but yay work is done for the week...well as of 0500 this morning. I've had very little sleep, but hopefully will get to spend some of the evening w/the girlfriend. :D
Finished my 12 hour shift, staying up to get the kids ready for school while the old lady goes to parent teacher confrence today. Then going back in tonight on my weekend off.

HOws the new shift treating you NighAngel?

its nice... only 2 days a week off now but home everyday by 4?? Loving that!
Okay, it's time.

A couple months ago, I wanted to skip a night to change my sleeping habits (getting up mid-afternoon, going to sleep way past midnight). It failed: I ended up sleeping for 18 hours straight the night after (it's actually on page 5 of this thread). ;)

Months later, I decided to do the same thing. With the knowledge I acquired from my past failure, I think I'll be able to get through correctly this time. First of all, I'll be using an alarm clock. That's pretty much it: it should do the trick. :p

Well, this time it's even worse than before: I get to bed at 7AM for no reason other than not being really tired. I get up at 4PM. Yesterday I went to bed at 10:30AM and got up at 5PM. I wanted to skip the night but ended up going to bed anyway. :o I'll let you know how it goes and if I decide to bail once again. :p

PS: it's about 8:30AM right now. I'll try to get to bed to 7PM, 11 hours from now... not so bad.

EDIT: I went to bed at 6:30 PM and set an alarm at 9AM. Turns out I woke up at 2:30 AM, but slept on and off from there until 9AM, just before the alarm. I'll see how it goes from here, but it sure looks like a success. ;)
good luck... and thanks for bring back this old thread.. it was about time :P

on new years night (not eve) kept me up all night till 8am.. but that did not change my sleep habit. :P
A couple months ago, I wanted to skip a night to change my sleeping habits (getting up mid-afternoon, going to sleep way past midnight). It failed...

I know what you mean.. years ago I had no choice but to reverse my sleep/waking hours regimen because I'd taken on a great job on the "graveyard shift": 9pm to 6:30am.

I was literally working during my sleep hours for about the first entire work week of 6 days. Then I began to feel tired at the "right" time, and found myself acclimating to the new schedule: bedtime at about 9 or 10am, up at about 4 or 5pm, giving me several hours awake before heading off to work at night.

Of course, I was single then, so there was nobody else to impact schedule-wise. ;)
I kinda miss the night life (not that I ever went out) but am still loving being home every day by 4pm. I can barely stay up till 11 most nights now though
I kinda miss the night life (not that I ever went out) but am still loving being home every day by 4pm. I can barely stay up till 11 most nights now though

Different crowd, different culture of folks when on graveyard. I remember getting off some overtime mornings at around 10 or so and many of the crew heading off to a bar in town! :eek:

I'm sorry, but I don't care what my work hours are, I can't drink in the morning.
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