One bite at a time...
You'd have to be crazy to not take advantage of it, the contractors are all but useless since they only do EXACTLY what their contract says they have to do. Anything more and they blow you off, god forbid they work more than 8 hours a day. *slam forehead against desk*
The contract I worked under had similar challenges, though I'm not a believer in the letter of the law. As such my team exceeded the terms of our contract. On the downside, the chief of the local Army DOIM (Directorate of Information Management) used to periodically bend my ear when we went above and beyond our expectations.
I remember one occasion soon after joining that contract when I was over at the telecom branch. The base had a Meridien SL100 telephone switch and I made the mistake of asking the CO Tech if I could watch him as he troubleshooted a problem. Two hours later I was sitting in an office getting yelled at by the head of the telecom branch and the DOIM chief (both Federal civilians). Seems they took offense at my interest in a technology system not part of my companies contract... Oops!