Android Expert
They might be despicable human being's for behaving the way they did, but they shouldn't be expelled for simply saying something, freedom of speech trumps political correctness. I do hope that the fraternity itself takes some disciplinary action against those involved though.
Ya everyone has freedom of speech. You are confusing freedom of speech and consequences. You have the freedom of speech to falsely yell fire in a crowded theater, no one denies that. However, just because you have the freedom to yell fire, doesn't mean later you wont pay the consequences and deal with the punishment. Having freedom of speech doesn't void potential consequences.
You have the freedom of speech to use the N word at work in a professional setting towards other employees, doesn't mean you have a right to retain your job for using hate words.
You have the freedom of speech to verbally threaten a cop, doesn't mean you don't have to pay the consequences of threatening a cop.
You have the freedom of speech to advocate rape on a private University campus, doesn't mean the University can't throw you out and expel you. It's a private school, you applied to be there, it is a privilege to be there, and although you have the freedom of speech to say whatever you want, that privilege of being a student can be revoked.
I don't know why people think freedom of speech comes with no consequences. Sure say what you want, but nowhere does it say consequences are void.