Android Expert
I'd like to know how folks find that Share Everything saves them money. I feel like 2GB between my wife and I would be cutting it close, so 4GB would actually run me $14 more per month. I suppose 2GB would be only $4 more per month, but I'm still paying more (though only slightly) and now I'm paranoid about my usage. All for the ability to get a new phone for $200 on contract (for my wife). On the flip side, if I pay $650 for a phone outright, it'll cost me an additional $450 out of pocket, or $22.50 over 20 months. $14 vs $22.50. it worth the piece of mind of not having to worry about my data bucket usage for an extra ~$9/month? The beauty is that I'll be month-to-month so the contract upgrade price would be available at any time if Verizon decided to force me off unlimited. I'll have to continue to look at this and put some more thought into it.