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Root nook apps/update


Aug 9, 2011
I was just wondering if updating my rooted nook would mess it up,lord knows it has ben difficult enough for me to get this far. I was also thinking about revisiting the old app situation. Should I try to retreive them again . Has anyone else had any luck doing it. I mean getting the apps I bought on the NC before the root on my rooted version. Tank you all for you're help.
Ok, then you don't have to worry about the update until you restore your 1.2 (rooted) backup, then it's possible the update may try to install.

You'd want to restore to 1.2, probably update all your apps in Market to get the latest version, backup it up with Titanium and get the heck outta there before B&N updates you. :D
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Sounds like people trying to install it had to do it 2 or 3 times so if it all of a sudden reboots, that might be the update trying to do it's magic.

The update installs when your Nook is idle and probably screen off.

Worst case we might have to boot off a bootable sdcard and restore your backup.

You can install Titanium now. That doesn't require doing anything else soon.
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Well I took off market updates then tried to take off the update while it was back to the old way but it said it was uncessful and wouldn't even recognize it anumymore. I hope I didn't screw things up too bad. Well I'm back running cm7 how do I install the update again. Any other suggestions?
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