Well-Known Member
So, I was digging around and I found some old hardware. Like a 125 mb hard drive, and a 500 something mb hard drive. I found several other random parts from many old systems I had. Great memories! Like Windows 3.1, Mac OS v.? (really old), DOS, BASIC, Batch files, Linux trials, etc. Has anyone else experienced this? I hope I'm not dating myself here. My first system was back in... well it only had DOS on it, and it couldn't support the 'new' Windows (or so it said). Compared to those hours messing around on DOS, Linux terminals, etc. Now I take a look at my phone and realize, wow things have changed (and I'm still messing around on Linux). I got a magazine from 1984, and in it is an advert for the fastest computer ever (supposedly). Oh what a laugh when I found it (the mag) a couple weeks ago. Anyway. Sorry, is this weird?