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Help Note 2 impractical and too big:(

Guess I don't share the OPs concerns.....At the end of the day, you're the one who makes the decisions to purchase something. If you didn't do enough due diligence, then its on you to deal with the consequences. Hope you end up finding a phone you like.

I remember when I picked up the Evo 3D on launch day. Being that I enjoyed the original Evo I couldn't wait to get my hands on the next one. It didn't take me 14 days to realize me and this phone were not seeing eye to eye so I definitely would not have kept it an additional 4 months.

I know there are a lot of people who'll keep using a device for the 2 weeks given before they can return it--I'm not that girl. Within 24 hrs it was right back to Sprint.

The Note 2 I wanted before it was ever conceived so I didn't spend time looking for things to be wrong.
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Thanks for the tips. I never thought about it, maybe I am holding it too tight sometimes- definitely not all the time. I have a grip case-so no I don't hold the phone too tight lol. I lightly use the S-pen its so thin I don't want to break it. I was also really concerned about the money and thinking the phone isn't worth it if its uncomfortable to use. I tested out the S3 for 2 weeks after the Note 2 . I wasn't allowed to use, internet or phone calls on the S3 as I was just testing it. I really shouldn't even complain, because I had the choice of an S3 & still chose the GN2 lol.I know some may not understand that if I had a choice of a smaller phone why did I opt for the GN2. At that time i wasn't that familiar with the S-Pen even though I had the GN2 tested before that. I really thought I would use the SP , but I don't so now its just something that gets in the way rather helping.Now thanks to tigmd99 lol, my SP is more useless than ever..I can not believe I dint know the use of SWPE (continuous input- took me a few tries to find it lol). Even though its my fault for going for a big phone even though I didn't know it would be such a nuisance, I still hope to rectify by it either by selling it someone who appreciate it or just going around the 'it's too big' thing lol. Like I said before, I just think reviewers should go in to more detail in terms of every day use like another poster recommended the reviewer who reviews phones after 30 days. I needed Google maps on several occasions, literally felt like I was holding a Satnav in my hand. It was really uncomfortable, but google maps used 5% or more of my battery..I don't think any other phone can claim such a good battery. The GN2s battery, is that good,Thank God.
I guess it does come down to what you personally need it for, I need it for a variety of different things, if it was not so big it would literally be an amazing phone. but also makes me think there is no perfect phone, so why bother lol ! But still it just annoys me to no end , annoying to others I'm sure. But if they decrease in phone size would the battery suffer? if so, then I guess Ill be ok with it-the battery can be that good:)
My sister got the S4 and Ive been watching videos about that, a lot of people are calling the good features-just bells and whistles and not something to be used everyday. The battery isn't that good on S4, to me if they even mention a slight defect in battery life I immediately cross it off lol.
To top that off, apparently Samsung is now coming out with a new S4 Zoom.
I guess I thought I would just immediately 'love' GN2 -especially after testing the S3 which I felt lacked the S-Pen and battery. My first smart phone was a HTC Desire, even when I first brought it they came out with the HTC Desire Z-a few months later, but I didn't care too much ; I was happy with my phone! The little scrolling wheel in the middle was really helpful, which I thought would translate in to the S-pen for me. It really hasn't lol, I force myself to use the S-pen simply because its the main reason I brought the pen.Most of the reviews I read prior to buying-said it over and over again. That some people will only think its worth it because of the S-pen. For me its the battery, so its ok.
Ill wait until whatever new S4 they come out with it, maybe I will sell the GN2 but wont if the price is as ridiculous as it is now lol. At the end of the day it is money spent well , maybe a little too much money but Ill make up for that soon I hope!! I wont be by an SP kit , if I had a tablet then maybe that's a really good idea actually for tablet users. Also Samsung are coming out with a flexible screen- some think that's pretty useless, I thinks its a really good idea. Something to look forward to from Samsung.
Reading these posts every ones been so helpful and kind, so thanks to everybody I appreciate it. I'm glad everyone enjoys their GN2'S & helps others to try to as well, Good forum here:)
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I couldn't get through your entire post. No paragraphs hurt like all get out. :D
I did catch the part about breaking the S-Pen. Believe me, you don't have to baby it. You're not going to break it.

Also when you're not using Swype you can also use the S-Pen for gestures....e.g. To go backwards would be this symbol < you draw by holding the button on the S-Pen.
An upwards | (also holding the button) opens your menu in whatever app you're in.

The S-Pen can be your friend. :D so have fun with it.
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Out of curiosity, which network are you with? I'm guessing O2 if it's gonna cost you the same to terminate as it is to stay with them. Other networks reduce the total by 20% for VAT but O2 don't (not sure about 3 either but I think they do).

Personally, as a short girl lol, I've been very happy with the Note 2. Had an S3 in June and in October, my partner drove me 20 miles to pick a Note 2 up off Gumtree at 10pm. Good thing I liked it lol. Unbeknown to me, she'd also ordered one on contact in her name for me which she didn't know if she passed the credit check (as both S3 contracts were in her name) for because had received no emails. Needless to say, next day at 11:50am, got an email to say order been despatched, was due for delivery that day. Just after 12 it was delivered lol. Still love it, fortunately. I do get some hand cramp though from using the s-pen but, for me, it's because of the angle of the phone, more so if it's stood up on the desk (use a momax the core case which has a tpu back case while the front cover turns into a stand).

On the Gumtree note, you're likely to get at least
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I guess he's trying to find value in it after spending this much time with it and now having second thoughts about it. Maybe stubbornness since many of us are replying with suggestions and other things to help his experience. Also the fact that many off us like our Note 2s and wouldn't consider giving it up yet.

But ultimately, it sounds more like he's tolerating the Note 2 more than enjoying it. Either way, best of luck in whatever decision he makes.
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Flexible screen is just a prototype Samsung has right now- not sure what phone will have that so that's not as issue. I still have 2 years on my contract so it doesn't matter to yet.
But ultimately, it sounds more like he's tolerating the Note 2 more than enjoying it. Either way, best of luck in whatever decision he makes.
Thanks, oh & btw Im a lady. Its not about stubbornness, just a little annoyed lol .
I tested the GN2 and never thought it would be a problem. Thats all it comes down to, this 1 crucial problem which is the size- for others its a bonus & was for me untill it started getting in the way. I definitely love the Galaxy series and thought I would be gaining something, when compared to the S3 .The GN2 and S3 are not that different in size but when holding each 1 in each hand, you definitely notice it...then more so when you use it for longer lol.
Regarding the flexible screen..I wont be planning on joining the Note family again..unless the screen was smaller-I would wait in line for something like that:) I guess they really want to make this 'phablet' happen. Which it is now I guess, 6 inches for a phone so just too much. Will anyone really buy this though?
I cant imagine a 6 inch phone, just an inch smaller than a tablet, I guess we'll see when the reviews come out. Some may really like it if they loved the Note 2:)
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There are already 7, 8 & 10" tablets with phone radios built in. Would anyone buy a 6" Note.....he'll yea!!!!
I quickly got used to the 4.3" screen of the Evo coming from the HTC Hero iPhone sized screen. Going bigger is welcome for me.

I know it doesn't sit well with everyone which is why I like that Samsung makes a size for everyone even though many think it's overkill.
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Glad to see that you are using Swype. If you go down the Sim free route in future,take advantage of money saving websites which provide the best info regarding Sim only prices plans

A good place to start is 'Hot UK deals', there is a superb year long post on Sim only deals from all the main carriers. Even though the deal is shown as expired, it isn't as the OP is still updating it

Several cheap and cheerful SIM-Only deals (giving mins, txts and data) @ various suppliers - Hot UK Deals - Page 159

Also look at Amazon UK ,Amazon Germany and Clove technology if you intend to buy your phone outright. Companies like these are very competitive and you won't get ripped off.

The Three operator who told you the phone was valued at
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When I first read the op I chuckled but then thought back to when I had a note 2 and do sympathise. A ten minute play with a phone in a store just doesn't compare to using the phone on a day to day basis. The reason I sold the note 2 was just its size in the hand and the pocket.

Having the extra screen estate was more of a hindrance to me than a benefit in the end. It's still a brilliant phone though, no doubt about that.

To the op, maybe now the s4 is out, it's a good time to sell your note 2. There are some cracking deals on new s3's now, and as everyone is selling their s3 to buy an s4, there are lots on the second hand market so the values should be good. Remembering that at the moment, there are no real confirmed specs of the note 3, the values of the note 2 should still be pretty good.

The s3 is due an update soon and will get most of the new s4 features.

Ps, I sold my note 2 into a Game store for 220. I'm sure I could of got more on eBay but don't like to take the risk of been scammed. You could try gumtree. At least once a week there is someone wanting a second hand note 2. And with gumtree, its sold locally so the buyer can collect and you get cash, so less chance of been scammed etc. you may even get a trade on gumtree, but to an extent when buying, a buyer can be scammed if the handset is then reported stolen etc.

Pps, just looked at amazon etc,
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