Bob Maxey
Android Expert
so what youre saying is they created this story to try and prove Obama is more than half black?
No, I am saying it is a silly notion. You can't proclaim someone is descended from a specific person at the beginning of an article and then say it really cannot be proven in another without looking like a fool.
The press took the article and ran with it proclaiming BO was descended from the first slave. The whole store is likely BS.
I have never thought genealogists are 100% accurate or can be accurate. The further back you go, the harder it is to obtain accurate information.There were no DNA tests so as far as any of you know, your father might not be your father.
I recall a story some twenty years ago. Phil Donahue had a guest that wrote a book about fallacies and myths. He reported that back in the 40's and 50's, hospitals had problems keeping kids in the delivery room organized. For all anyone knows, your grandparents or parents are not really yours because you might have been switched at birth due to incompetent hospital nurses.
I do not care if Obama is half black or one quarter German. He is 100% unqualified which is all any of us should care about.