noah way
Android Enthusiast
Shock fact: the US spends more per person on healthcare in the world, yet 30% of people or under/not insured, and life expectancy is lower in countries that spend HALF AS MUCH (PPP %GDP)
The US spends a rediculous amount on healthcare bureaucracy (25% of spending)
I'm not aware of countries that surpass that
Eliminate private insurance and the cost of care would drop close to 50%. Not only would we save the cost of profit and overhead paid to insurance companies, we'd save the cost of care that wouldn't be necessary if people had proper preventative care that insurance doesn't pay for, and the tens of billions (official estimate $31 billion annually) in insurance paperwork costs imposed on providers by insurers.
In addition, escalation of health care costs would be radically restrained. The major driving force in health care costs is insurance. Insurers pay so little to health care providers that they have to continuously raise their rates to be adequately compensated. This in turn gives insurers an excuse to raise premiums even more in a never-ending spiral.
With all those savings we could provide care - not insurance! - for every citizen, have a healthier and more productive society and have more money available to stimulate the economy rather than pad the already overstuffed pockets of insurance execs and wealthy investors and corporate shills like Bill Frist.
Eliminate the corporate death panels. You'd still have private doctors providing care. Eliminating insurance "networks" (which are simply another device for denying payment for care) would provide more competition among doctors, the way it is supposed to be in a free society.