Dark Jedi
Ohh, and I served my country. So go ahead and call me ignorant.
And to say "obama promised to fix that" is a cruddy retort to my statement to you. It has nothing to do with the millions of jobs lost in your "doing better" free market where millions of jobs were lost. Let alone, the trillions lost in real money. Out of pockets of Americans, trillions. Thats 12 zeros. Thats a really BIG number.
You sound like a person that didn't enjoy your military service. I don't think anyone is saying g McCain would of been a better president. You are the one trying to prove Obama is such a great man. Look at how he sent our. National debt to an all time high giving money to corporations that should of went under from bad buisness practices. Look at Obama's budget for 2012. It saves a trillion but at the same time creates 7 trillion in more debt. He still sent it in thinking it would pass. Obama is in over his head and I hope the country can survive when his term is up.