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Obama Indicts America

So...the unemployment figures are untrue, or misrepresent reality because blacks and Hispanics are basically lazy? Am I reading that right?

Why play the race game? Look here, the fact is that feeding this race shit to people isnt going to help. And honestly, there are some hispanics and blacks that are lazy, but its because they dont want to get out of the barrio/ghetto life. And shit, there are some whites that are lazy too, and thats becuase they do not want to leave the trailer trash life. Thats their fault, not the governments. But dont look at race, look at people. If we really wanted those numbers to go down we would not be trying to point and find a fault as to why those numbers are so high, instead we would actually be doing something about it.

Unless you are saying that racism is the sole reason as to why those numbers are like that.

And we dont need to be going around to other countries, especially Cuba and Russia, asking them what we should do to "fix" our country. If so, then why cant they ask the American people? Who are the ones truly affected, and are the ones who truly experince the things said in the report.
How can you do anything about it if you don't "point and find a fault as to why those numbers are so high"?

I don't get how taking a step back and taking a look at the state of human rights in the U.S. can be seen as a negative. We're not reporting to the U.N. because we have to...we're doing it because we WANT to. There is nothing wrong with having other eyes looking at our country. We play a big role in what the rest of the world does, there is nothing wrong with trying to make sure our own house is in order so we can set a good example. The real issue here is that the Obama administration did something without asking for your approval...holy shit!
How can you do anything about it if you don't "point and find a fault as to why those numbers are so high"?

They did find a fault fault in the report, blame racism. Thats not the real problem. The problem is the politicians who fuel the fire, and put racism as the sole reason. But thats not the point, the point is they dont need to be submitting this kind of crap over to the UN. And really all this report does is appoint the current administration.

Yes we have to, the Obama administration joined the UN Human Rights council, this makes it mandatory for us to submit a report to them, called a Universal Periodic Review.

It is a negative, all over the report you will see the words, "our", "Obama", and "the Obama Administration", you will even see a little sentence about what is going on in Arizona. And they talk about how Americans are so anti human rights. Discrimitation this, human rights that, all they are submitting is a report telling the world to punish us, with a fine.

"On July 29, 2010, President Obama signed the Tribal Law and Order Act, requiring the Justice Department to disclose data on cases in Indian Country that it declines to prosecute and granting tribes greater authority to prosecute and punish criminals. The Act also expands support for Bureau of Indian Affairs and Tribal officers. It includes new provisions to prevent counterfeiting of Indian-produced crafts and new guidelines and training for domestic violence and sex crimes, and it strengthens tribal courts and police departments and enhances programs to combat drug and alcohol abuse and help at-risk youth. These are significant measures that will empower tribal governments and make a difference in people's lives."

Let me see, so counterfeiting indian stuff is a violation of human rights? Everything is a human rights issue to liberals.

"Following the recent economic crisis, the issue of predatory lending, and particularly discriminatory lending, is an area of enforcement focus. The recession in the United States was fueled largely by a housing crisis, which coincided with some discriminatory lending practices. The subsequent foreclosure crisis has disproportionately affected communities of color, and the federal government has focused resources and efforts to determine whether and where discrimination took place, as well as to ensure greater oversight going forward to prevent similar crises in the future. In this respect President Obama signed major financial reform legislation in 2010 that includes a new consumer protection bureau, among other provisions."

No comment^

So I guess internal affairs are now subject to international review. What a disgrace, the government answers to us, not to the UN.
I'm sure we joined the Human Rights Council voluntarily. Was that bad? Should we not have done that?

And if you take the time to read the report, you'll see that it talks about the strides we've made as a country over many, many years. You'll also realize the report was compiled using the input of the American people. See paragraph 8.
The US does not need to report to the UN and heres what I mean where the report says Americans (whites, because nowhere does it say whites are being racially profiled) are "evil", "bad", and "racist", now dont go looking for those words on the report, but please, you know that is basically what they are saying.

"We are not satisfied with a situation where the unemployment rate for African Americans is 15.8%, for Hispanics 12.4%, and for whites 8.8%, as it was in February 2010. We are not satisfied that a person with disabilities is only one fourth as likely to be employed as a person without disabilities. We are not satisfied when fewer than half of African-American and Hispanic families own homes while three quarters of white families do. We are not satisfied that whites are twice as likely as Native Americans to have a college degree "

This type of shit like this makes me sick, when politicians, that cant be real, make stuff like this. And I am willing to accept there is some racial profiling and some racism in the US, but the numbers produced in this statement in the report are not because of racism (maybe .2% because of racism). Being hispanic, I know that these numbers are because there are people in this country who dont want to do shit and all want to be Alex Rodriguez or Micheal Jordan. All rich in an instant, but dont want to do the hard and effort putting steps in between to get there. As in they do not want to work for it. And all of their lives they go on ratting about how the white man put them down, when really, they put themselves down. The great thing is there are some succesful blacks, and hispanics who are real and all say the same thing. Unfortunetly, politicians go on feeding bullshit like this, fueling the fire that the white man puts minorities down. If they stopped and started being real, those numbers up there in that statement would be much lower.

If the US wants to fix its problems, then we need to focus on ourselves for a while, and stop trying to come up with reports like these telling the world to judge us, we need to judge ourselves.

Wadude, I think you are once again drawing conclusions not supported by the reference provided. What is being quoted here are statistics. at no point are they being attributed to racism by any one group on another, or on inherent laziness.

Perhaps the quote would read better if it was written like this:

"We are not satisfied with a situation where the unemployment rate for 12% of the population is 15.8%, for 16% of the population is 12.4%, and for 75% is 8.8%, as it was in February 2010..."

The point I'm trying to make is that that particular quote is referring to distribution of access. Be it access to education, access to capital, or access to government. As I read it, it is acknowledging that there are large disparities between different population groups, even if it is not addressing the various reasons for such disparities. It is also acknowledging that these are issues that the US still has room to improve on.

I'm not sure how you are getting accusations of racism from such little information.
I'm sure we joined the Human Rights Council voluntarily. Was that bad? Should we not have done that?

And if you take the time to read the report, you'll see that it talks about the strides we've made as a country over many, many years. You'll also realize the report was compiled using the input of the American people. See paragraph 8.

It does say that, and we did voluntarily join it. But the report was written from a liberal point of view, as you can obviously see, and all it does is talk about how great liberal policy is. It blames the economic fall on discrimination, and anyways, whats the greater outcome of this report? Crtisism from the world, socialist policies. All the report talks about is equality, but what it describes is equality of outcomes. Then it gets to topics of little importance.

And in the end, it describes the US as discriminatory.
And that video proves?...
You wrong, again.:)

The US does not need to report to the UN and heres what I mean where the report says Americans (whites, because nowhere does it say whites are being racially profiled) are "evil", "bad", and "racist", now dont go looking for those words on the report, but please, you know that is basically what they are saying....

I know to YOU it's obvious and basic, but I just don't read it that way at all.

I'm not an American, but I think it's a good thing that such a report is compiled, so you can learn from it, and make your country a better place. And once you have such information I think it's a good thing, especially for yourselves, to publicize your findings. That act alone shows that you're a more open an inclusive nation than many others, and when you next compile such a report you progress can be measured.

Why anybody would talk so negatively about being open about your flaws is beyond me; that's the kind of thing you'd expect from China or N.Korea.
Wadude, I think you are once again drawing conclusions not supported by the reference provided. What is being quoted here are statistics. at no point are they being attributed to racism by any one group on another, or on inherent laziness.

Perhaps the quote would read better if it was written like this:

"We are not satisfied with a situation where the unemployment rate for 12% of the population is 15.8%, for 16% of the population is 12.4%, and for 75% is 8.8%, as it was in February 2010..."

The point I'm trying to make is that that particular quote is referring to distribution of access. Be it access to education, access to capital, or access to government. As I read it, it is acknowledging that there are large disparities between different population groups, even if it is not addressing the various reasons for such disparities. It is also acknowledging that these are issues that the US still has room to improve on.

I'm not sure how you are getting accusations of racism from such little information.

I see, but as I read it, all it was saying is the US violates human rights by dicriminating others. But Im sure we can improve on it by ourselves. The UN does not need to be getting reports from the US. Its dumb that we need to be doing this, as if the UN was the government of the world.
Is your argument that the US isn't discriminatory, and the report is wrong; or that the report is right, but you don't think the truth be admitted?

My point is we dont need to answer to the UN, and if we want to fix problems here, we need to do it ourselves. The report, in my opinion, is just another kiss ass move by the current administration, where they sell it to us as being "open minded", and a "large step for America".
I see, but as I read it, all it was saying is the US violates human rights by dicriminating others. But Im sure we can improve on it by ourselves. The UN does not need to be getting reports from the US. Its dumb that we need to be doing this, as if the UN was the government of the world.
And here I thought that the US was a member of the particular UN committee that this report was submitted to. Last I checked, most of the permanent members of the security council were members of most of the committees and organization operating under the UN. Reports such as these are less about owing anything to the UN and more about greasing the wheels of diplomacy and providing official stances that other member states can seek to emulate or contradict.what i read from this report is more that the US is an experiment that through trial and error has produced a trove of revolutionary ideas in ters of government, economics and society, that despite our own deficiencies, have taken root and have served as examples for countries the world over to follow. It acknowledges successes, failures and work that still needs to be done. I'm still not seeing where the criticism is coming from.
...Its dumb that we need to be doing this, as if the UN was the government of the world...
You need to do it to realise where you're problems are, to be able to fix them.

Yes you could choose not to make the report public, and operate in a very insular way, and ignore or disregard the UN; but if you decided to do that I don't think it would be right to then cherry-pick your moments when you want to comment or influence the UN or on any issue outside your nation.

Do you want to be the guy around the table at the UN security council saying you've been open, you're doing okay, but trying to do better, and proving you can lead by example; or do you want to be the guy sat there saying that what you do is none of the other guys' business, but please let me have a say on what you do...; or do you want to be the guy outside the conference room wondering what's being decided inside?
...Reports such as these are less about owing anything to the UN and more about greasing the wheels of diplomacy and providing official stances that other member states can seek to emulate or contradict...
Exactly; the US ambassador to the UN can now say across the table to his N.Korean or Iranian counterpart 'There's our report on how good we are, where's yours?'
Exactly; the US ambassador to the UN can now say across the table to his N.Korean or Iranian counterpart 'There's our report on how good we are, where's yours?'

Oh, ok. I get what you are saying. Hopefully the outcome of this report is good. Im not fully with it, but what you and Isthmus are saying got to me.;)
The US should not answer to the UN. The US should answer to it's citizens and no one else. But that hasn't been the case in a while now has it?

I question the sanity of anyone that thinks we should have anything to do with the UN.
...I question the sanity of anyone that thinks we should have anything to do with the UN.
UN said:
The United Nations is an international organization committed to maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights...
My God! you're right, you'd need to be insane to want to have anything to do with those kind of people!!
My God! you're right, you'd need to be insane to want to have anything to do with those kind of people!!

Indeed. Especially since we were the driving force behind its founding, we host it, we are its principal contributor, and for decades we've used it's principal institutions as extensions of our own foreign and economic policy.

Yep, Bad UN, Bad.
The US should not answer to the UN. The US should answer to it's citizens and no one else. But that hasn't been the case in a while now has it?

I question the sanity of anyone that thinks we should have anything to do with the UN.

Yawn...you are parroting the usual right wing nonsense about the UN.
I have to ask what is this nonsense about a one world government? do you know how the UN operates and what it does?

The one world nonsense is nonsense. These days, you mostly hear about it from the folks who like to rile up the tea-people.
The one world nonsense is nonsense. These days, you mostly hear about it from the folks who like to rile up the tea-people.

no, it makes perfect sense. You just need to take the blinders off. We (humanity) have taken great strides towards a one world government, and a cashless society. The eurodollar is one of the greatest examples of this. I for one will fight to the death(and kill for if needed) to keep cashless society ad a one world government from happening. All that will come of it is choas, oppression, and tyranny. A tyrant will always find a pretense for his tyranny. For prime examples, look at the largest empires man has ever known. They always led to tyrants (even if it was a handful of them) ruling over the peasants. Look at the way the economy is, and what our government is doing.

The governments are making people more and more reliant upon them for survival. They are slowly erroding away what little freedoms we have left. A government that can give you everything, can take it away even faster.

Anyone hear the story about how two(maybe more now) courts in california said it was perfectly ok to waltz on somebodys PROPERTY, and slap a magnetic gps tracker on their car, and do all this without a warrant or even probable cause? Do you really feel that is right?

How about all the warrantless wiretaps? The garbage that is known as the patriot act? They can basically call anyone, and I mean anyone a terrorist now and instantly strip you of all your rights as a citizen. Are you ok with that? I'm not. Hell no. Eff that.

How about the government obtaining cell phone gps information without a warrant, or probable cause is that ok? (Even if you have gps off)

Why are many police forces listed as FOR PROFIT organizations? Wtf is that all about?

We are slowly entering a policed, socialist state of society and I don't like it one bit.
no, it makes perfect sense. You just need to take the blinders off. We (humanity) have taken great strides towards a one world government, and a cashless society. The eurodollar is one of the greatest examples of this. I for one will fight to the death(and kill for if needed) to keep cashless society ad a one world government from happening...
Isn't the term Eurodollar simply funds held in overseas banks? How is that cashless; the alternative being those same funds being under a bed in Paris rather than safe in a vault?

But okay, if we accept that as a definition of cashless then surely the term is redundant when talking about one world government?

So you're against a one world government; okay I get that, but I'll read on to see why, always good to know somebody's reasoning;
How is the UN, with representatives of something like 2-300 countries a tyrant!?
...Anyone hear the story about how two(maybe more now) courts in california said it was perfectly ok to waltz on somebodys PROPERTY, and slap a magnetic gps tracker on their car, and do all this without a warrant or even probable cause? Do you really feel that is right?...
Nope, but I'll take your account at face value... even though I don't see how a bad ruling by a Californian court supports any kind of anti-one world government argument!? surely Californian courts ruling over Californians isn't even a federal government, let alone a world one?
...How about all the warrantless wiretaps?...
Oh now that's something I can agree with you on IOWA, the UN shouldn't be doing this... you have an example of the UN doing this right??
...The garbage that is known as the patriot act?...
UN, um, no, again.
...Why are many police forces listed as FOR PROFIT organizations? Wtf is that all about?...
Are you talking about private security firms, or municipal/State or Federal law enforcement? Because if you're only talking about the private firms then I can reveal the reason that private firms are listed as for profit is... how can I put this in lay terms?? They are 'for profit' businesses. Clear?

Like I said; always clear to see a person's reasoning... hmmm.
Isn't the term Eurodollar simply funds held in overseas banks? How is that cashless; the alternative being those same funds being under a bed in Paris rather than safe in a vault?

But okay, if we accept that as a definition of cashless then surely the term is redundant when talking about one world government?

So you're against a one world government; okay I get that, but I'll read on to see why, always good to know somebody's reasoning;

How is the UN, with representatives of something like 2-300 countries a tyrant!?

Nope, but I'll take your account at face value... even though I don't see how a bad ruling by a Californian court supports any kind of anti-one world government argument!? surely Californian courts ruling over Californians isn't even a federal government, let alone a world one?

Oh now that's something I can agree with you on IOWA, the UN shouldn't be doing this... you have an example of the UN doing this right??

UN, um, no, again.

Are you talking about private security firms, or municipal/State or Federal law enforcement? Because if you're only talking about the private firms then I can reveal the reason that private firms are listed as for profit is... how can I put this in lay terms?? They are 'for profit' businesses. Clear?

Like I said; always clear to see a person's reasoning... hmmm.

your pitiful attempts at trying to oppsose my points of view really crack me up. Did you have to rent a garbage truck to haul that post or did you make multiple trips? Hell at least hakr100 puts some thought into his rebuttles.

Keep stalking me. Its nice how you still try to wiegh in on american issues you have no clue about, and then take one part of someones post and try and shift into something else. Oh wait, you forgot to ask for "clarification". I'm willing to bet a full paycheck that had anyone else made that post you wouldn't have said a damn thing about it.
your pitiful attempts at trying to oppsose my points of view really crack me up. Did you have to rent a garbage truck to haul that post or did you make multiple trips? Hell at least hakr100 puts some thought into his rebuttles.

Keep stalking me. Its nice how you still try to wiegh in on american issues you have no clue about, and then take one part of someones post and try and shift into something else. Oh wait, you forgot to ask for "clarification". I'm willing to bet a full paycheck that had anyone else made that post you wouldn't have said a damn thing about it.
I'm not going to get into another pointless argument with you IOWA, because this is starting exactly like all the others;
1) You say something unsubstantiated, that I disagree with.
2) I post a counter argument to yours, on topic, asking questions to clarify what you're saying.
3) Instead of backing up your original argument, or answering reasonable questions, you choose to fire back silly irrelevant sniping remarks, tell me I'm wrong (without offering any good reason, you expect you word to be enough:rolleyes:) You accuse me of side-stepping the issue (that you've just side-stepped:rolleyes:) and then make unsubstantiated (and incorrect) claims seemingly based purely on you own paranoia.


You are now free to make further false accusations as is your MO, never answer the issue, and then when I refuse to play your silly games and be drawn away from the issue you can say something like 'well if you don't answer my questions I'll claim the win, because silence proves I'm ****ing awesome!'

Enjoy yourself, before you get yet another thread closed :rolleyes:
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