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Unbelievably I and many others got the April security patch in October. Unfortunately like alot of others who got the April security patch I have had nothing but problems since the install. I had just finished posting elsewhere when my Nexus 6 flipped out. The screen went black, then blue and the next thing it's opening and closing apps, it's zooming in and out, the split screen activates and on the two screens I got what appears to be multiple items running at the same time. It goes back to one screen and continues to rapidly open and close apps while zooming in and out. Then Gmail opens and my phone starts typing some weird letter and number mess.
Then came the strange noises and the phone started to vibrate I started backing away to the laundry room to grab a fire extinguisher because I was certain that my Nexus 6 was about to go all Note 7 on me. Then it just stopped, been about twenty minutes since the Nexus 6 went nuts everything seems to be good for now
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