FWIW: I just confirmed at my local Best Buy that:
1) They don't have the phone in stock even (I pushed them... they said they don't have it, not in back, not anywhere... the manager said "The wait is killing me, I would have ripped one open this morning". I believe them.)
2) The will have DI on Thursday morning ready for sale (I'll be picking up my Pre-order at 10AM... appointment already made)
3) They (my local BB) agreed to price-match the VZW retail cost based on a printout I brought them from vzw.com at $529 vs $599.
Also stopped by my local VZW store to see if I could get my greedy little hands on one for a split second, spoke with the manager: "We have them in stock", He looked towards the back, "but we've been told that we may absolutely not bring the device to the front of the store before 4/29". He finished with: "I like you man, but I could lose my job. I just can't do it."
I went to one of our local VZW stores today to check it out and they brought one out from the back to check out for a few minutes. I didn't even have to beg. My family was browsing other phones and he asked if he could help me with anything, and I said "Only if you have an Incredible in the back that you are allowed to show off." He said, yeah I can do that and disappeared for a minute before coming back with it. They were a little bit busy so he left me with it and said (smiling) "Don't run out the door with it or I'll have to call the police." I was already planning on getting one, but after getting to use it today now I know for sure. He said they have 45 in stock and to get there early on Thursday. I think I am just going to pre-order pretty soon so I don't have to deal with the mail-in rebate.