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Help [OFFICIAL SOLUTION] 3G issues on the 3D?


Well-Known Member
I'm having difficulties with 3G downloads on my new E3D, the specific app being tiny flashlight+LED (I needed to go outside at night). I have full bars where I am (Southwest Georgia), and I've had good 3G speeds on my Hero, but the download right now is slower than edge coverage. When I did the download on wifi, it finished in a few seconds. Is anyone else having this issue?
Also, I have downloaded both OTA updates.
Please read this post - :)

This is now our official 3G issue-fixing thread.

By working together, I think we've found the various paths to success - details on how we got here are in the posts that follow, as well as answers to any follow-up questions you may have.

The 3G radio is really borked on a lot of the 3vo phones. For the most part, this is fixable by configuration - and in some cases, you may have bad hardware. This post will get you down the path to solution.

What you'll need:
  • Speedtest.net or you can use this online tool, it's much easier: Speakeasy - Speedtest
  • Open Signal Maps (this one is optional)
  • homescreen, Menu, settings, Privacy -> ensure "Back up my settings" is on. Then settings, Accounts & sync, Sync all. DO THIS - this will safe you tons of grief later - trust me, this is important.

How to use Speedtest to see if you have a problem:
No, don't just push the start button and believe what you see. Speedtest is highly inaccurate. It simply makes a good indicator tool if used properly.

At the bottom, second icon from the left - settings. Use that to change servers.

  • Go back and forth and try multiple servers.
  • Try a lot of them.
  • If any of them say your phone is getting high speeds - above 600 kbps down in low population areas and above about 400 kbps down in higher population areas, your phone is probably fine.
  • If you re-run the test and your speed varies a lot, don't get upset with your phone. That's just the inaccurate nature of Speedtest.
  • Speedtest does not indicate the day-to-day performance of your phone in your area - it indicates the performance of your phone going thur Sprint to Speedtest servers. If you have a decent path from your phone to any Speedtest server, you're fine.
  • You can get good wifi results on server A but lousy 3G results on that same server. Try other servers - you'll find lousy wifi but good 3G on server B is common.
  • Speedtest is just an indicator tool.

How to fix your phone:
Ok, now that you've determined that you have a problem, here are corrective steps, in order.

At the end of each following step, re-try Speedtest using above instructions.

  1. homescreen, Menu, settings, System updates: Update PRL then Update profile. If you're having trouble, it's ok to update these using wifi.
  2. Long-press on power, Restart phone.
  3. Pull battery for 60 seconds.
  4. Nothing worked so far? Time to call Sprint. Have a second phone handy. On 3vo, dial *2, then top menu item to call Sprint. Tell them you're having a known 3G speed problem and you'd like to walk through a re-activation and then a hard reset using ##data# and then ##786# as needed. (In other words - reprovisioning.) During this process, they'll give you your MSL code (the one that unlocks the above two things). DO NOT just get your MSL and then go thru the steps yourself. Your Sprint rep can see your phone performing and coming online - if the 3G problem is a bad setup for you in their database, they can spot and fix that. Work with them on this. When complete, update PRL and profile, then re-do the Speedtest.
  5. If that still fails, ask the Sprint rep to look up your local Sprint facility and schedule your phone for an RF test. If your phone fails an RF test, then it will need immediate replacement and the Sprint tech performing the test will back you up on that 100% - because you've followed their preferred procedure.

Following your reprovisioning, hard reset or new phone - homescreen, Menu, settings, Privacy -> check on "Automatic restore" -- settings, Accounts & sync, Sync all. Your previously loaded apps and important settings will now update to your phone, no sweat.

Hope this helps!

Two postscripts -

PS - I had a bad phone. The bad RF also manifested itself as lousy GPS - all fixed by a new phone.

PS - Now that you're good to go, try this one - http://androidforums.com/htc-evo-3d/361521-streaming-media-tyrrany-sprint-proxies.html
I have noted that I'm getting less bars in places my Hero got full bars. And dare I say, I have seen reception improve when taking my hand off. It's still new so I will continue to watch this.
My 3G speeds are a disaster. Pings are averaging over 500ms and d/l, u/l speeds are at or below 200kbps. This is with full signal. The EVO 4G didn't have great speeds either but my ping would always be in the 100-160 ms range at my desk(where I'm at now). I've performed the update and I have updated prl and profile which didn't change these stats. From the exact same spot my 4G speeds are averaging 6 mb/s d/l and 1.2 mb/s u/l.
My 3G results are similar, very disappointing. Pings well above 500ms and speeds fairly consistent at around 120kbps. I never have gotten full bars where I live, but these speeds are miserable in comparison to the 4G. I'll be heading out this evening into an area with good coverage and retest, and hoping for the best!
Ok, I just got back from the Sprint store. We went through prl update and profile update several times. The last time we rebooted afterwards. Pings on 3g are now in the 150 ms range. D/l is 1418 kps and u/l is 757 kbps averaged over 3 tests. Much better than I ever got on my EVO 4g in regards to d/l speeds.
Folks, remember comparing bars from one location to another, or even one device to another is pretty meaningless.

Download speeds, or an actual readout of signal strength has much more meaning!

That being said, FWIW, in the St Louis Metro area, I've not suffered 3g speeds.

YAY! Regretting my move to Sprint oh so very much.
My 3G is all over the map.

I've done the PRL and Profile updates AND a battery pull.

First thing I noticed - instead of locking to the tower due East of me at 1865 meters, it's locking to the tower SSW of me at over 2200 meters.

Using speedtest (changed server from the Evo, this one is local), I'm getting anywhere from 88 to 300 kbps down/ 500+ up. Using the Open Signal app, I'm getting over 700 kbps down, 200 up.

Oh, and I managed to bork my contact list on the google server and never notice it - so it's got syncing issues and constantly complaining.

Between that, an odd-looking PRL number (to me) = 21079, the funny tower change, and my background sync issue, I'll confirm that I have a 3G issue for sure, but I'm not getting it's a 3vo issue as much as a support issue. I don't trust the PRL I've got going on here at all.
My 3G is all over the map.

I've done the PRL and Profile updates AND a battery pull.

First thing I noticed - instead of locking to the tower due East of me at 1865 meters, it's locking to the tower SSW of me at over 2200 meters.

Using speedtest (changed server from the Evo, this one is local), I'm getting anywhere from 88 to 300 kbps down/ 500+ up. Using the Open Signal app, I'm getting over 700 kbps down, 200 up.

Oh, and I managed to bork my contact list on the google server and never notice it - so it's got syncing issues and constantly complaining.

Between that, an odd-looking PRL number (to me) = 21079, the funny tower change, and my background sync issue, I'll confirm that I have a 3G issue for sure, but I'm not getting it's a 3vo issue as much as a support issue. I don't trust the PRL I've got going on here at all.

In MN I got the following via speedtest app with Wifi OFF (connected via Sprint Data Network and not local router):

3G (135ms): 1,772 kbps Down, 643 kbps Up
4G (140ms): 6,971 kbps Down, 1062 kbps Up

So my Evo 3D doesn't appear to have any issues at least here in MN...
0.0 Let me just say, Wow. I'm sorry for you.

But, have you tried the above fixes so as to remedy your 3VO issues?

Yes, and that was a good connection

I've gotten as low as 9 consistently, wife has gotten as low as 3

I've tried the "fixes" they don't fix it haha
Oh, yeah, I should have mentioned - I'm used to getting about 1.2 Mbps down with GPS on, and going through proxies, and between 1.6 ~ 2 Mbps down without either, steady 700+ kbps up. And wifi off (via wifi, I get the usual 5 Mbps down, 768 k up).

I actually watched it switch towers while profiling signal strength - and since then, it's been hosed.

Anyone care to verify their PRL number here for me?
Oh, yeah, I should have mentioned - I'm used to getting about 1.2 Mbps down with GPS on, and going through proxies, and between 1.6 ~ 2 Mbps down without either, steady 700+ kbps up. And wifi off (via wifi, I get the usual 5 Mbps down, 768 k up).

I actually watched it switch towers while profiling signal strength - and since then, it's been hosed.

Anyone care to verify their PRL number here for me?

Mine says 21079. I forgot to mention, my results were obtained with GPS on.
What exactly is a PRL # and where do I see what one I have... I've done the update "fix" just never saw any numbers.

I would also like to know what PRL stands for lol. To see your # go to About Phone in settings, then software, then the last option to see your kernel version, etc. Very bottom says PRL #
PRL = Preferred Roaming List, but it's really the database of towers for your phone, local and roaming.

And yes, I had GPS on as well as off.

And my Map location was off - so I installed compass (catch.com, Market, free) and calibrated it, calibrated my g-sensor - and when I did that, suddenly, it decided to lock to my regular tower.

Still no joy on my 3G speeds.
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