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I'm heading down to South America for a couple weeks and want to limit data use. Maps would be useful, but it would be imperative to have them offliine...anyone have first hand experience with any of the apps on the market for offline maps?

i use this,works great on the captivate http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goTJAd4ojJE
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There is an app called Mapdroyd. It has free offline maps.
copilot is free also, you just need to look:D edit ---navdroyd is free also,but it doesn't track well,copilot has been spot on in the 4 weeks i haved used it, the only reason im not complaining about gps on the cap. it get fast lock and tracks perfect,but of course you dont get satt. maps,,no worries,i just need to get home from some tampa/orlando bar @ 3am
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