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Oklahoma Schools Ordered To Teach The Bible

yep its the christian nationalist movement that is a threat to our democracy. religion should not be involved in schools unless you go to a private catholic school. they want us to be a christian nation. but they fail to recognize or just do not care that this nation was founded to be free of religious tryanny. it is in the 1st Amendment to the Constitution. it is also found in the Bill of Rights, i believe.

gotta love the bible belt👎👎👎
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France has strong rules on the separation of Church & State. In France, public school students are not allowed to wear anything that would indicate what religion they are associated with. My French teacher in the states was shocked that a Minister spoke at her son's high school graduation in the States.
It's funny how these people treat the constitution as if it were holy writ when what it says, or how they interpret what it says, suits them, but seem to see no problem with completely ignoring it where it does not.

However that's funny as in "peculiar" rather than funny as in "amusing".

Of course if they properly taught the Bible it might horrify the people who are calling for it. Do they really want their kids to learn how often the bible condemns the love of money and the accumulation of wealth for yourself, and how little it has to say about some of the matters these people are so often worked-up about? Would they like their kids to be taught that the Jews of the first century were raised to view the Samaritans the way that they may have been raised to view groups their church or their parents dislike? Teaching about the bible that wasn't aimed at just reinforcing the doctrines of one sect could be valuable, especially if they were also taught about other scriptures as well (some knowledge of what the Quran actually says might be a useful bolster against certain prejudices, for example). But somehow I don't think broadening the mind is what these people have in mind for "education".
Hold up I think some of you might want to do a little research on the whole separation of church and state thing. I think a lot of you have this idea that the founding fathers were anti religion to really understand the whole idea behind separation of church and state or the establishment clause you need to study religion in Europe between the 15th and 16th centuries
got to run but rest assured I have plenty more to say about this.
It's funny how these people treat the constitution as if it were holy writ when what it says, or how they interpret what it says, suits them, but seem to see no problem with completely ignoring it where it does not.

However that's funny as in "peculiar" rather than funny as in "amusing".

Of course if they properly taught the Bible it might horrify the people who are calling for it. Do they really want their kids to learn how often the bible condemns the love of money and the accumulation of wealth for yourself, and how little it has to say about some of the matters these people are so often worked-up about? Would they like their kids to be taught that the Jews of the first century were raised to view the Samaritans the way that they may have been raised to view groups their church or their parents dislike? Teaching about the bible that wasn't aimed at just reinforcing the doctrines of one sect could be valuable, especially if they were also taught about other scriptures as well (some knowledge of what the Quran actually says might be a useful bolster against certain prejudices, for example). But somehow I don't think broadening the mind is what these people have in mind for "education".
"It's funny how these people treat the constitution as if it were holy writ when what it says, or how they interpret what it says, suits them, but seem to see no problem with completely ignoring it where it does not."
I am pretty certain Christians aren't the only ones doing it, how many times have politicians and big businesses done the same thing ???
"It's funny how these people treat the constitution as if it were holy writ when what it says, or how they interpret what it says, suits them, but seem to see no problem with completely ignoring it where it does not."
I am pretty certain Christians aren't the only ones doing it, how many times have politicians and big businesses done the same thing ???
Freedom of religion, which also implies freedom FROM religion, is pretty cut and dry.

To have states forcing religious teachings in school is unconstitutional and even with the current Supreme Court will not hold up to challenges.
Freedom of religion, which also implies freedom FROM religion, is pretty cut and dry.

To have states forcing religious teachings in school is unconstitutional and even with the current Supreme Court will not hold up to challenges.
OK people don't want religion taught in school fine by me. But I say we also stop with all the other stupidity being taught in school, critical race, theory, all the rainbow mafia gender stupidity. Let's get back to mathematics, science, English, reading. But it should be noted that once God was removed from the classroom the American education system started falling apart. There are plenty of studies backing that up.
What alot of people fail to realize about the Christian Bible it's more than a religious book. It covers zoology, geography , meteorology. In the book of Esther is one of the first usage of a postal system (delivering messages over a wide area.)
That's done by keeping a separation of Church and State (public school). If you want your religious sect taught, you go to a private school
Yeah unfortunately that's not the case . Today our schools have been invaded by the delusional members of the rainbow mafia and sliding in on their coat tails are the pedophiles and yet teaching about God or even mentioning him, the Bible is considered more evil
For the record while I am a Christian and believe in the Bible, I fully support the establishment clause (separation of church and state) the reason being state sponsored religion always ends bad.
Another thing is state sponsored religion is a gateway to other state/government sponsored and controlled programs. Any form of state sponsored religion takes away from what makes America so great and why so many people come here, freedom of religion. And for the record prayer never left the classroom
No disrespect intended, but what you said reminds me of Pizzagate

Pizzagate conspiracy theory - Wikipedia
Pizzagate is an embarrassment! Why bother to make up rumors about some pizza restaurant, when practices such as "drag queen story hour" are done openly? Well, some folks are just determined to make their own side look bad.

Anyway: If all I knew was Pizzagate, then I'd be inclined to think that joe71 was just drinking the kool-ade. But considering the stuff like "drag queen story hour": Unfortunately, joe71's got a point. I really which he didn't!
OK people don't want religion taught in school fine by me. But I say we also stop with all the other stupidity being taught in school, critical race, theory, all the rainbow mafia gender stupidity. Let's get back to mathematics, science, English, reading. But it should be noted that once God was removed from the classroom the American education system started falling apart. There are plenty of studies backing that up.
What alot of people fail to realize about the Christian Bible it's more than a religious book. It covers zoology, geography , meteorology. In the book of Esther is one of the first usage of a postal system (delivering messages over a wide area.)
let's talk about critical race theory or CRT. most people do not even know what it is. and yet they want it band from teaching it. it is a college level framework that is not taught in any other place. in other words, if you are not in college, nobody is teaching this to anyone. if anything from high school and below, the teachers are just teaching about race and racism. CRT is way too complicated to be taught in any other level of education.

so when people talk about banning CRT, what they really mean is that they do not want their white kids to feel ashamed of their slave era heritage. i think it is important to talk about race and racism and how the history of the United States was originally founded on slaves and slave culture.

as far as the bible being taught in school........what if me and my family was hindu? i think it would be very offensive to have my kids be forced to read the bible. so unless there is an option to take a religious class, the bible needs to stay out of the class room.
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or if you want the bible to be taught in school, then you might as well include other religious texts as well......which it would then just be another religious study class which i am all for.
Yeah unfortunately that's not the case . Today our schools have been invaded by the delusional members of the rainbow mafia and sliding in on their coat tails are the pedophiles and yet teaching about God or even mentioning him, the Bible is considered more evil
Schools now are being infiltrated by the nutjob right-wing "("Moms for Liberty")", which is such a contradictory name.

There is nothing wrong with teaching children the actual history of our country, good and bad. Not the sugarcoated version the Confederate flag mafia wants to ignore though they yearn to go back to it.

And of the things you mentioned, religion is the only one that is against the Constitution. I would not want my kids learning about anything religious in a school system that would only have a one-sided view such as Oklahoma surely will (until it gets shut down).
Schools now are being infiltrated by the nutjob right-wing "("Moms for Liberty")", which is such a contradictory name.
Why not both? Just because nut faction A is invading schools, doesn't mean that nut faction B is not. Both the right and the left have their nuts!

And of the things [joe71] mentioned, religion is the only one that is against the Constitution. I would not want my kids learning about anything religious in a school system that would only have a one-sided view such as Oklahoma surely will (until it gets shut down).
Frankley, both the right-wing and left-wing nuts are religious! However, they embody the bad aspects of religion, the stuff that gives religion and the religious a bad name.
huh? i am not sure what you mean. what left wing nut are you talking about?
For one thing: The left-wing belief that a man can get pregnant and give birth to a baby. That flies so in the face of basic biology, it makes creationism look scientific in comparison! Or for somthing less unscientific, but more creepy: Just look at draq queen story hour.
the far right want to ban every book and teach the bible exclusively.
Teach the Bible exclusively? Even a Christian/Jewish private school would have school books besides the Bible! They'd have, for example, math books for teaching math.
For one thing: The left-wing belief that a man can get pregnant and give birth to a baby. That flies so in the face of basic biology, it makes creationism look scientific in comparison! Or for somthing less unscientific, but more creepy: Just look at draq queen story hour.

Teach the Bible exclusively? Even a Christian/Jewish private school would have school books besides the Bible! They'd have, for example, math books for teaching math.
WTF are you talking about??????who believes that? not me? where are you getting this info from? the national inquirer???????

or are you talking about this movie:
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

and that is the thing the right wingers want. exclusivity with the Bible. they do not want any other religious text to be taught......utter ridiculousness!!!!!!!!
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I feel a tickling in my stomach, or NO, I think I'm pregnant 🤣🤣🤣🤣

tommy pickles baby GIF
For one thing: The left-wing belief that a man can get pregnant and give birth to a baby. That flies so in the face of basic biology, it makes creationism look scientific in comparison!
There is no one that actually believes that.


And if the rednecks and hillbillies don't read to their children (because they're illiterate) , someone that steps up to the plate to do so is vilified?

WTF are you talking about??????who believes that? not me?
If you're a left-winger, and if you want to reject the transgender/LGBT movement: Good for you. But untill the left as a whole rejects the idea you can chose your gender, that someone with two X chromanones and a uterus can be a man: The left will be subject to well-deserved ridicule!
There is no one that actually believes that.

Have you been living under a rock for the past couple of decades? Are you seriously trying to tell me that the left (at least in the US and Europe) had not embraced transgenderism?

Well, if you really want a source for what I've claimed about the left, here's an article from The Atlantic (hardly a peddler of right wing conspiracy). But I think we both know: This goes way beyond that one article from the Atlantic! This is all over the left.

And if the rednecks and hillbillies don't read to their children (because they're illiterate) , someone that steps up to the plate to do so is vilified?
Replace "rednecks and hillbillies" with "black people", "poor people", or whatever, and ask yourself if that statement sounds bigoted.
and that is the thing the right wingers want. exclusivity with the Bible. they do not want any other religious text to be taught......utter ridiculousness!!!!!!!!
Well, I can't deny that there are those who want that! Just look at Iran, Sudia Arabia, and now Afghanistan. Those countries have governments which give the "one true faith" the power of law. And I which there weren't people like that on the American right, but unfortunately, there are.

I will say this, however: Those "right-wingers" (if they can even be called that) are a very different kind of right-winger than I am! I'm for small government, a government which leaves well enough alone. It is not the government's job to teach Sunday School, it's the church's.
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