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OMG, so Samsung was "hell-bent" on beating Apple in 2012?!!!!

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From the "Waaa, waaaa, but Maaaaaam, look what he did! (snif! snif!)" Department -

Apple wants Samsung case dismissed with winning verdict because of leaked evidence | The Verge

All that does is scream Apple knows they are in the wrong big time. Why does Apple have any say in what Samsung does with its own property that's not being used in a court case?

I could understand if it was going to be used as evidence but after the judge said 3x's that it could not. I think its pretty clear to everyone its not evidence.

This trial just keeps getting dumber and dumber. I think it would be kinda funny if Samsung just finally said no to Apple. That they would no longer sale any more products or parts to Apple effective immediately. I got a feeling it really put a hurting on Apple in the short term if not the long term.

Yea Apple would find other suppliers but how long would it take. I bet using Apple logic Samsung could sue any supplier that replaced them. Unless Apple took the time to redesign there products.

Old saying goes don't bite the hand that feeds you. That's exactly what Apple is doing
money makes anything happen...

in every idevice there are several samsung parts.
how many devices? think about that. we are probably talking about $$$Billions!!!

I dont think samsung wants to give up that cash cow.
More money more problems. Sometimes in life you reach a point that not dealing with someone can be much more rewarding. Doesn't matter if it's a friend or business, nothing beats a peace of mind.
More money more problems. Sometimes in life you reach a point that not dealing with someone can be much more rewarding. Doesn't matter if it's a friend or business, nothing beats a peace of mind.

Yes.. In some situations.

But you try to tell that to stock and stake holders... Drop a billion dollar business partner.. And see what happens.
Samsung ain't going anywhere. If a Samsung phone sells they make money. If an iphone sells they make money. They got the game on lock.
Apple's business philosophy.

I dunno what's funnier... S@#$ like above or normal people suing to get their money back from the Facebook's stockmarket fiasco... If we are going to take risk out of everything I'd like to start getting money back for all my bad decisions and unlucky transactions... Not that I make bad choices, it's just if I have that option I might as well take it.
Call me a cynic but I wondered exactly what is a trade secret about sales data? Could it be sales have not been as stellar as Apple claims thereby betraying their trade secret that they sell more because they appear to sell more?

I was assuming that their margins were so high it couldn't possibly be said that Samsung hurt them.
Whatever. Get over it. All smartphones look like black bars with a screen. What is Samsung supposed to do.....put a big pink fur strip around it so it doesn't look like a black bar?

All cars look the same; they all have 4 wheels, and engine and some even use the same paint colors and carpeting. But Ford is not about to copy the look of the Corvette because they fear a law suit. And a Corvette is no different than a Pinto or Gremlin because it also has 4 wheels, an engine and quite likely, the same brand carpet or paint color as something Ford or Porsche sells.

My Opal GT looks like a Corvette, so there is that.

Perhaps rather than scream at Apple because they are protecting their products, manufacturers could either not develop a new phone that looks like an existing phone or come up with a new design. Perhaps if a design patent covers a particular shape and/or form factor, manufacturers should not try to sell a device that infringes on someone's patents.

That said, every phone must look the same because there is really no other way to make them. My Triumph looks like a dozen other phones.

Not sure how to say it any better than that. Granted, I expect many new phones to look like many old phones. Rectangular shape, buttons at either the top or bottom or on either side and so forth.

And I expect all laptops to look the same. Clamshell design, screen in the lid, keyboard in the other part and a row of buttons along the top with a three button mouse pad at the center under the keyboard. If a patent covered that design, every manufacturer would be in trouble and customers might reject designs that differ.

We all expect any phone we purchase to have a similar look and feel and feature set because there is really no other way to design one.

My thinking is this: manufacturers should look at existing patents or other legally protected IP and then ask whoever owns the design for permission to "copy" the design. Since when is making a phone a right? Lots of patents out there and someone will infringe sooner or later. Apple is blamed for going to court and I agree, it is a tad silly, but they must protect their rights even if the android community hates them for it.

Finally, there are way too many lawsuits these days. But never forget, if you own a patent, copyright, service mark, trademark or something else, you must protect what is yours or you run the risk of losing it.

If you do not protect your copyrights, you can lose them if you do not reasonably protect them.

We love to hang Apple out to dry but perhaps Google/Android has also infringed and gone to court for their activities? BT sued Google, apparently.

This is a difficult thing, indeed.
Call me a cynic but I wondered exactly what is a trade secret about sales data? Could it be sales have not been as stellar as Apple claims thereby betraying their trade secret that they sell more because they appear to sell more?

Many manufacturers protect their sales data. For any number of reasons. They invest lots of cash and they do not want to give potential competitors any ideas. Smart analysts can gleam lots of information from sales data.

Trust me, Apple is doing A-OK; I do not need specifics to ascertain they have a winner in their iPhone.

I protect my sales data. You can assertain some things by reading the fine print in the company annual reports. I also protect my personal financial data because it is not anyone's business.

Apple has the right to protect their data and I can see a few good reasons for doing so. When they do, some people look for the conspiracy and simply assume there must be some nefarious reason for not reporting sales data.

I mentioned this in another thread, but the Apple iPhone alone returned a profit greater than everything Microsoft sells; Windows, development tools, MS Office, etc. So it is easy to assume a few things about sales just from that little bit-o-info.

And that is just one iDevice. It does not include iPads, desktops, laptops, iPods, etc.

There was a time when ALL of our modem chip-sets came from Rockwell. We built millions of devices using the ONLY components available (and we were limited to no more than X-number of chips per quarter) to us at the time. We would have dumped Rockwell if we could have.

We were also at the mercy of our LCD supplier. We had only one choice for Palm Pilot LCD/Digitizers.

When little parts like resistors went up in price, it cost us millions of dollars and we looked for other suppliers.

I can trust that Apple knows about dealing with suppliers and when to find other sources. I can also trust in Samsung or others to fight Apple in court and to also wish to maintain a supplier arrangement with Apple.

Or any other company that butter's their bread, as they say.
Yes.. In some situations.

But you try to tell that to stock and stake holders... Drop a billion dollar business partner.. And see what happens.

Absolutely! Many people forget that Apple must please the stock holders and dropping a billion dollar client is cause for the proverbial heads to roll.

I mean, they might kick Al Gore off the Board Of Directors along with the people from Disney and Avon.
Yea Apple would find other suppliers but how long would it take. I bet using Apple logic Samsung could sue any supplier that replaced them. Unless Apple took the time to redesign there products.

It could take a long time or perhaps never. Think about a company making millions of devices. If they use 24 resistors/caps per device and component prices increase, that is serious coin for the manufacturer.

I have been there before and I can tell you it is not easy to drop a supplier because in some cases, there might be only one supplier.

And no, you are free to stop using a supplier unless there is a contract in place. I get your point, however.
Samsung has been making cell phones since the mid-eighties. Samsung can provide it's self with most if not all the necessary components it needs. Apple knows this and if anyone can lead the mobile industry,it's Samsung. Apple providing one phone annually is not going to cut it against Samsung plain and simple.

But so far, Apple has done just fine with the limited number of designs they release. Unless I miss your point. Samsung sells phones, but what single model out sells the iPhone? I am asking because I do not know. Perhaps Samsung out sells Apple, but does that mean one product or their entire line of phones combined? Bob does not know.

Perhaps there is no company out selling Apple unless you look at their entire line of products.

What if Samsung develops their own OS and it fails? Not saying they will, but in my view, Samsung (and most other manufacturers) use Android because it is free not because it is better. And I am NOT saying it is a bad OS, just e-thinking out loud.

Bottom lines are what they are, after all. Perhaps there is some data to explain why Android manufacturers use the Android OS. Part of it must be the cost.

I think the iPhone outsells any manufacturer's phones on a phone by phone basis. Android sells well, but there are many Android phones out there and they are always being dropped from manufacturer's lineups only to be replace by other devices.

Frankly, as soon as Apple starts releasing 149.00 phones in multiple styles and flavors, they might capture many Android users. Perhaps some new OS will arrive that is better than Android or perhaps Google will stop developing Android or increase Android OS releases or something new will arrive that makes android less desirable. Or the aliens will land and we will all die.

My theory is Apple will change. We will see more than one design per year and we will likely see several different iPads arrive this fall. Perhaps iOS will be licensed at some point. Not saying it will be, but Jobs is gone and nobody is sure what will happen.

I think a 125.00 iPhone would further Apple's bottom line in a big way and if Apple licensed iOS to others you might see fewer Android phones and more Apple-ish Delights at Best Buy.

There is also a possibility that Apple will release some undefined game changer that sends other manufacturers to the drawing board. Never sell Apple short. We think of Apple Vs. Android, but what happens when/if Apple decides to control some other market that has nothing to do with phones and tablets?

Or . . .

Perhaps there are two guys in a garage preparing to release something that blows up so big, the fallout blinds Android and Apple. Never forget that this is a part of the history of technology. Someone will eventually release something uncommonly cool and it might not be Apple.

We did it with the Palm Pilot and for awhile, we were on the top of the pile. We also did it with the X-Jack and we even built products for Apple, right here in Utah.
Yeah, but the Judge here seems to be very cozy to Cupertino. Dunno if she has shares in Apple, a house full of iStuff or just a shrine to the late demigod Steve Jobs in her house. Whatever the reason Samsung will get no love in her court.

It remains to be seen how the jury takes it all.

If a judge holds a large amount of Apple stock, she might recuse herself due to conflict issues. If she does not, Apple could later claim bias which is what I would do to be sure.

Unless she owns small amounts of stock like millions of average people, then it hardly matters. chances are, some here own Apple stock and could make a fair decision or ruling against Apple.

I only hope a jury can understand what is a very complex issue.

BTW, if the judge is fair, she will follow the evidence and the law and her love or lack of love is not an issue. Judges do not like to be overturned.
Ahh...man Apple really is going nuts.

Samsung Declines Patent Deal

Basically, Apple wanted to get free patents AND completely eliminate their profits. How nice of them.

Yeah, I think that deal is a bit of a joke. They want to force Samsung to pay a ridiculous fee to license Apple patents, some of which never should have been issued, then get all of Samsung
Frustrated judge orders Apple, Samsung counsel to meet today | Apple - CNET News

It's sad to know (makes me die inside a little) that if I pull out my Samsung Note (or former phone HTC EVO 3D) at a relatives or while meeting others that in most cases they will say... "Oh, is that an iPhone... ?" When clearly right off the bat size wise it isn't any where close to a CrApple... They've been that brainwashed... So CrApple not wanting jurors to see Samsung's logo at trial Makes sense...

Not everyone can tell at a glance if a phone is an iPhone or a CrapSung. You need to lighten up a bit and stop worrying if people mistake your phone for some other phone. So they think you stepped up to the bigs and bought an iPhone. Take it as a compliment.:D

I die a little inside every time someone looks at the Opel GT and calls it a Corvette. To make matters worth, many assume that my M3 Leca is an M2.
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