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OMG, so Samsung was "hell-bent" on beating Apple in 2012?!!!!

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I think that no matter on which side of the fence you play, this has gotten ridiculous. Please attack the issue, not each other. :D
I think what Vipfreak meant to say was that Apple has gotten a lot of mind share in most everyday consumers and they wish to maintain this mind share by refraining Samsung's logo in court.
^I read it wrong or maybe was reading a different article... Anyway, yes for the link I posted about the logo then you are correct.

With the phones though if you take the logo off ANY black brick phone people will obviously think CrApple first... There are differences between phones just because it's black or white... Other wise they are completely different all together in every way...

In other news... Samsung's best defense: Everybody copies, even Apple - Apple 2.0 - Fortune Tech

Apple might have lost the public usage battle. Once everyone starts referring to all cell phones as "iphones" or tablets as "ipads" there's no way Apple is going to sue or stop public usage. Other phone mfg can't stop it either. It's happened to other brands.

Apple will have to change - put a little apple on the FRONT of the phone as well and add "Look for the apple to get a genuine Iproduct" So many use those rubber covers on the phones, you can't see any logo.
Pretty sure at this point Samsung is going to lose. They've been denied too much evidence and made too many missteps to win it. There's definitely going to be an appeal unless some form of consensus is reached. However, I think Apple is going to lose on the FRAND patents portion. You can't just think you're better than everyone and not have to pay for essential standards patents. The companies that made those are the ones that built the mobile industry. I really wish someone would just slap Tim Cook because he can end all of this by working with Samsung on a cross-licensing deal.
I don't want no cross licensing deal, I want this to be taken to the highest possible court etc. so that it can be publicized more and not just through tech magazines etc. The main page of many websites like Yahoo, so people can see how Apple reacts to competition and how silly these patents are. Why should Samsung give in now from all the abuse Apple has been giving it?
I am glad i was not a juror.. they had a though job. they had to follow the letter of the law.. apple did have patents that was violated by samsung.

but the real problem was.. some of the patents are shiiiit. should never have been awarded to apple. which the case was only about if samsung violated the BS patents.
Its a bunch of BS... the jury probably were iPhone users.

Think that came out with jury selection: Samsung didn't want 12 iPhone users deciding this.

I am glad i was not a juror.. they had a though job. they had to follow the letter of the law.. apple did have patents that was violated by samsung.

but the real problem was.. some of the patents are shiiiit. should never have been awarded to apple. which the case was only about if samsung violated the BS patents.

I agree. The appeals process is where hopefully this will all come out.

It is a fail.... For apple.

Clearly apple died with Steve Jobs. Crap like this is all they have left. Pathetic.

Unsure: Steve had already done declared thermonuclear war on Android because, of what he called, it being a stolen technology.

Think this is exactly what he wanted.

You know what irritates me the most about this case. Two things. It's not the damages or the guilty verdict. I'm sure just about everyone here expected that, especially with the original Galaxy S1. It was the fact that Apple is going to use this to bludgeon Android to death and the fact that the jury ruled that none of Samsung's patents were infringed. Vague design patents are valid, but FRAND patents relating to how the phone actually functions as a phone weren't? What a crock of shit.

I'm glad I got my Galaxy Nexus when I could. I'm never giving it up, even if it grows old beyond its time. Apple can have my Nexus when they pry it from my cold, dead hands. The devs on XDA will continue to churn out ROMs as long as they can. It's time for serious patent reform.
Think that came out with jury selection: Samsung didn't want 12 iPhone users deciding this.

I agree. The appeals process is where hopefully this will all come out.

Unsure: Steve had already done declared thermonuclear war on Android because, of what he called, it being a stolen technology.

Think this is exactly what he wanted.
Resorting to these tactics shows apple waiving the white flag. Imitation has always been a part of technology and it's advancement and it's never stopped truly great companies from innovating.

Apple is litigating instead of coming up with new ideas to lead the industry. Samsung is hurting apple and apple knows it and this response is pathetic. Apple has been all hype and no substance. The hype is fading and they're grasping at straws.

The money will be an ouchie for Samsung but they just need to get back to work and keep making great products as they are right now. They have apple running scared.
Apple seems to have forgotten its roots. It evolved from open source except they didn't put back. (That's legal)

They started and got the benefits the same way Android did.

I don't care what was supposedly copied. Those of us who are rooted probably aren't using the allegedly copied stuff anyway. I think a lot of us would buy a plain phone that we could customize our way from the get-go. Some of the GUI I remember seeing on a Palm years ago. Didn't bother me then, won't bother me now. It's what's in the actual apps I can run, not how I got there.
My understanding is that Samsung is the number one seller of cell phones right now, so I don't feel bad for them.
Still think Apple is a load of bleep, as are their patents.
Where is the patent reform movement?!
And I was going to get the wife an iphone...time to vote with my wallet. Never will I purchase an Apple branded product. I'm getting an S3 as soon as it becomes available on metro.
Don't think Apple is a Saint. And what for? Do you honestly think iPhone is better than the Galaxy S3? Please, just sell the phone and get an iShit. Seriously, in 100 years time we'll need to change the way we call Apple (the fruit), because Apple Inc. wants the exclusivity.

If you need to be bitter why not do it without hiding behind a veil of anonymity? Why not vent your bitterness in person at an Apple Store :D?
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