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OnePlus One Pre-Launch Rumor Roundup

This is a photo of a printed picture of an early prototype. I don't know how much we can gather from this. Apparently it's squarish with the camera at the center near the top.

This really makes me wanna leave big red
I discovered years ago that there is life beyond Verizon, money to be saved and great liberty in BYOP. Verizon does have a fantastic network nearly everywhere, but if you live in a place with good T-Mobile reception, there are definitely benefits to expanding your horizons.
I discovered years ago that there is life beyond Verizon, money to be saved and great liberty in BYOP. Verizon does have a fantastic network nearly everywhere, but if you live in a place with good T-Mobile reception, there are definitely benefits to expanding your horizons.

It's very true, Verizon's network is terrific. Yet I'm happy to report that both AT&T and T-Mobile continue to get stronger. It's no secret T-Mobile had the weakest, but over the last year they've made great gains in many areas of the US. I use both and travel all over, the vast improvements in LTE coverage via T-Mobile is almost shocking it's so good. That plus truly unlimited unthrottled data makes it my favorite by far.
Another drawing that potentially exposes the One's design language and dual speakers on the bottom of the device like the G2 (though the G2's speakers aren't stereo), not on the face like the HTC One.
64GB is the only version I would consider buying so I hope it's available and they don't jack the price up too much in the UK.

That's probably too much to ask though. :)
The 64GB version is supposed to come at the price of 32GB.

EDIT: Looks like I won't be getting one for a while, UK has to wait for version 2, version 1 lacks 800MHz Band 20 LTE
Where are you seeing this?
From the OnePlus One forum post linked above:
So if you don’t live close to a city, or if you travel outside urban areas, you may lose LTE signal and fall back to 3G. But all LTE is not created equal. 800MHz LTE speeds are only up to 50 Mbps while regular HSPDA+ (3G) can go up to 42 Mbps. OnePlus One supports 3G flawlessly in Europe, so depending on the location and situation, the difference may not actually be all that great.
i think this will be a great product but 1+ may have seriously foobared themselves by doing this.
The OnePlus Invite System | OnePlus Forums

i don't get it. what they are attempting to do doesn't solve the problems they're trying to alleviate.

the problem of quickly sold out items now becomes the problem of not being able to buy it anyway.

long shipping periods from preorders turns into long waiting periods to get an invite to buy at all.

waiting for a stock re-up turns into waiting for a chance to buy.

it seems they have realized they will not have the supply to meet the demand which is understandable. they're a 4 month startup. they're not a multi-national multi-billion dollar corporation like samsung, apple, sony, or even google. this would seem to be a smokescreen for the fact that they won't have enough product at launch time. the point is, this doesnt do anything to take away the waiting game.

reactions to this have not been positive.
While I too question the wisdom of the launch strategy, I must say the way so many people went ballistic over this is a bit surprising. There's an awful undercurrent amongst the haters that seems disproportionate to the actual situation. After all there's still time before it's release, who's to say that announcement wasn't just a trial balloon to test buyer response.
I think the reality is they won't be able to meet initial demand without holding back inventory for an arbitrary release date and building a massive inventory that has the potential to bankrupt them which is god for no-one, or offering pre-orders to more accurately gauge demand, which is better for them from both a planning and cash flow perspective, but has the potential to alienate fans and customers as the time between payment and receipt of the product may be significant.

I give them props for being honest about the situation and at least trying something different. No matter what gimmick they try, there are only going to be X number of phones reaching customers when they release. Seems this way the customers will only have to put out some effort to get an invite to buy, and they are going to clamp down on the secondary market for that. Google has done this for years, from GMail, to GVoice, the Glass. It may not work, but they are at least trying to create a balance and being honest about their motivations for doing so.
Here is a nice side view of the device:
And a vertical close-up of the top:
And a new look at the SwapStyle covers:

Looking great! :D
Here is a nice side view of the device:

Very slim and elegant, similar to the Oppo Find 7.

Here is a nice side view of the device:
And a new look at the SwapStyle covers:

Looking great! :D
I can now have my phone coordinating with my jeans or my floor. :thumbup:

Anyone else remember Nokia Xpress-on™ covers? :D
Very slim and elegant, similar to the Oppo Find 7.
+1. It's becoming obvious that the Find 7 and One share a lot of DNA, but that makes sense because OnePlus are Oppo refugees and probably had a lot to do with the design of the Find 7.

I can now have my phone coordinating with my jeans or my floor. :thumbup:
If it gets IP67 certification, then you can throw it in the wash with your jeans, no problem :p:D
+1. It's becoming obvious that the Find 7 and One share a lot of DNA, but that makes sense because OnePlus are Oppo refugees and probably had a lot to do with the design of the Find 7.

Oppo do use CyanogenMod. On their PRC phones from China Unicom etc., they call it "ColorOS, based on CyanogenMod". And on Oppo's international site for the Find 5, they endorse and link to a specific CM build for the Find 5.

BTW this is where I found all about China Mobile's "T" versions of the Oppo Finds, like the Find 5 X909T. "T" standing for TD-CDMA and TD-LTE, which is China Mobile's own unique 3G/4G technologies. And international third-party ROMs that can run Google apps and services are apparently incompatible with Oppo's special "T" phones.

I would guess there would be unique PRC and "T" versions of the OnePlus One as well.
Carl Pei said:
There has been a lot of speculation and excitement about the operating system of the OnePlus One. As you know, we've been working with the Cyanogen team on this product for quite some time, starting from when OnePlus was just an idea. Both teams have been deeply involved in both the software and the hardware parts of the experience, and it's been an amazing ride so far.

Although we're still running pre-production versions of CyanogenMod 11S, I'd still like to share with you some of the things that the Cyanogen team has been working on.

The new stuff is pretty cool, so here's a taste of what's to come.

Source. Follow link for screenshots.

Derek Ross of Phandroid was able to obtain a screenshot showing on-screen navigation keys.
BTW, the dimensions have been leaked in a photo. It says 152.9 x 75.9 x 8.9mm @ 160g, but that wouldn't fit behind a 74 mm Xperia Z1 as claimed.

Also, the vertical render above does not show the power button clearly visible in the horizontal shot. I'm taking these leaks with a grain of salt until Carl Pei confirms or denies their validity, or official renders are leaked.

Possibly a removable battery?

One more thing: The horizontal shot posted above shows capacitative buttons but the CM11S screenshot posted by Carl Pei clearly shows on-screen navigation controls. Maybe these pics are pre-production or prototype renders.
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