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Order and Chaos is out!!!!

Gameloft has been really stupid with these compatibility games. How does the game work on Evo Shift but not Evo 4g doesn't make sense. Just make a universal app like everyone else. Gameloft does things in the dumbest manner possible. I have it on iPod its a decent time waster lots of kids play like WoW or should I say jerks so I stop playing to wait on android version. Hopefully android community is more mature which I think we are. Really want the game for my Nook Color I don't rely like it on a iPod size screen. Also expect ridiculously high in app purchases. 99c for one gold. Most special items they sell cost more than one gold at beginning of game . They on purposely give you like 9 inventory most which be taken up in the first five mins of playing. It cost one gold to get more space which will need for loot its an mmo so you can imagine how space you'll want. So either spend some cash or save up for necessities. Nice game but it's still gameloft. Glad its on market though so they're are showing improvement with Android users. Gameloft so much to do great things but they make me mad when they seem like more about the money and less about support. Plenty of games on ios that needed an important update for over a year.
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Gameloft has been really stupid with these compatibility games. How does the game work on Evo Shift but not Evo 4g doesn't make sense. Just make a universal app like everyone else. Gameloft does things in the dumbest manner possible. I have it on iPod its a decent time waster lots of kids play like WoW or should I say jerks so I stop playing to wait on android version. Hopefully android community is more mature which I think we are. Really want the game for my Nook Color I don't rely like it on a iPod size screen. Also expect ridiculously high in app purchases. 99c for one gold. Most special items they sell cost more than one gold at beginning of game . They on purposely give you like 9 inventory most which be taken up in the first five mins of playing. It cost one gold to get more space which will need for loot its an mmo so you can imagine how space you'll want. So either spend some cash or save up for necessities. Nice game but it's still gameloft.

I would say the stupidity more in lies with people buying a with a crappy graphics chip and then complaining when it can't play the latest games.

The Adreno 200 in the Nexus One, HTC Desire, Incredible and Evo was outdated when it launched and is useless for modern games today.

Take a look at Anandtech's latest benchmarks and see how bad the chip is compared to the competition. It doesn't have the Evo shift on it but it does have the G2 which is basically the same. It shows a performance improvement of over 200%.

Anandtech Mobile Open GL ES 2.0 Benchmarks

I don't mean to be rude but sometimes people just need to be set straight.
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Picking up a Evo 3D Friday when it releases which benchmarks and battery test show its the best of the dual core chips this year in both the gpu and CPU category. The HTC Sensation has this chip too. Tegra 2 was rated worst of dual core chips. I may be wrong since I was never interested in the Shift but doesnt it have the same processor as the Evo 4g or is the gpu different?

Update: The shift uses 800mhz processor but it out performs the Snapdragon One's 1ghz processor. I Loved my Evo and it was pretty good as a CPU but it was definitely lacking as a gpu. Thankfully Qualcomm has put a lot of work in The Snapdragon 3 1.2ghz dualcore processor found in Sensation and Evo 3D. So it shouldn't be outdated anytime soon (finally). Shouldnt be one game it can't run with ease that coming out anytime soon.

Sorry when I first heard of the Shift I heard it actually had lower specs, which on paper it looks like it should, but actual performance in real world test is another matter. I never researched Shifts actual performance till now.
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Still 100% sure my Nook Color can run this. I play dungeon defenders on it completely lag free on Max even when most people complained of lag (Powerful little sucker for $250). So if they released a universal app they would still get more sells. They did it with Asphalt 5. I know gameloft is extra sensitive with getting bad reviews on market so I know they trying to eliminate it as much as possible. I guess I may have to tweak my build.prop to a Galaxy Tab or something for my Nook till I get my Evo 3D which I hope they make compatible on day 1.
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Still 100% sure my Nook Color can run this. I play dungeon defenders on it completely lag free on Max even when most people complained of lag (Powerful little sucker for $250). So if they released a universal they would still get more sells. They did it with Asphalt 5.

Yeah it would definitely be easier for enthusiasts if they took away the limitation, but it would also be harder for the average user.

It's also worth noting that Google only recently allowed developers to aim at specific devices and may be the very reason Gameloft is even bringing some of their latest games to the Android Market.
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Yeah it would definitely be easier for enthusiasts if they took away the limitation, but it would also be harder for the average user.

It's also worth noting that Google only recently allowed developers to aim at specific devices and may be the very reason Gameloft is even bringing some of their latest games to the Android Market.

True google has been doing a lot of improvements to make more developers come over. I think more countries be able to buy paid apps, in app purchases, and device compatibity too especially for gameloft has made more developers come. Still got a ways to go but most things are already in works
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Gameloft has been really stupid with these compatibility games. How does the game work on Evo Shift but not Evo 4g doesn't make sense. Just make a universal app like everyone else. Gameloft does things in the dumbest manner possible. I have it on iPod its a decent time waster lots of kids play like WoW or should I say jerks so I stop playing to wait on android version. Hopefully android community is more mature which I think we are. Really want the game for my Nook Color I don't rely like it on a iPod size screen. Also expect ridiculously high in app purchases. 99c for one gold. Most special items they sell cost more than one gold at beginning of game . They on purposely give you like 9 inventory most which be taken up in the first five mins of playing. It cost one gold to get more space which will need for loot its an mmo so you can imagine how space you'll want. So either spend some cash or save up for necessities. Nice game but it's still gameloft. Glad its on market though so they're are showing improvement with Android users. Gameloft so much to do great things but they make me mad when they seem like more about the money and less about support. Plenty of games on ios that needed an important update for over a year.

The EVO has the Adreno 200 while the EVO Shift has the Adreno 205, which has a significant improvement. I am slightly surprised some of the other newer devices are not listed though (such as the Atrix, Sensation and the E3D).
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Gameloft is special for sure.
On the one hand, I like them because DAMN, without them the high profile console like games on Android would be a very rare thing. On the other hand they need to be a LOT more careful with their game development.
As some may know, I am fighting with them about Asphalt 5 and 6 on the Galaxy S...you know that little phone that has sold millions and millions since every carrier has it. ;)
Asphalt 5 demo is running on hardware and butter smooth but then you buy the full version and it no longers runs in hardware!
Asphalt 6 is a LOT worst! The Droid version not only looks better but it runs in full hardware support when use in the Galaxy S while the supposedly Galaxy S versions does not look as good nor run as smooth.
Yeah they said they are looking into it but I am not holding my breath so right now, I bought Asphalt 6 for the Galaxy S and ended up using a "free" version for the Droid because it performs a lot better than my "correct" version.
That is what I call messed up development.
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Here's a question...I thought I saw somewhere that there would be a monthly fee, but you got the first two months free. The Market doesn't say anything about this...Is it just the one time $6.99?

Not sure about android.version but ios you get 1st month free then pay $2 a month. I think its even cheaper if you buy in 3-6 month package or a yearly which I think is only $10-$12. I think they looking to make most of there money on ridiculously high in app purchases. Where's a Chinese farmer when you need them.
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The EVO has the Adreno 200 while the EVO Shift has the Adreno 205, which has a significant improvement. I am slightly surprised some of the other newer devices are not listed though (such as the Atrix, Sensation and the E3D).

Good point they probably trying to optimize for dual cores. Its funny how they already optimized 3D versions of their games on Evo 3D that isn't even out yet. $$$ Which I probably buy on day 1 lol.
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On the pricing. Currently on ios if you buy you get 3 months free. 99c a month 1.99 for three month and $2.99 for 6 months. Currently my concern for even playing is they will be integrating with ios soon. And most people complaints right now is the none optional pvp after lvl 25 and the lvl cap is 60 so you can imagine the constant ganking when trying to complete do quests. If I pay for a game I definitely don't won't to be killed repeatedly by immature people when trying to complete quests. And what I've seen so far from the ios community there's a lot of immature people. Its been two months and gameloft still hasn't made pvp optional despite complaints or any other real updates for that matter except a cloning item bug. They would fix that fast since it would lower there revenues.
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Is there some where I can find a list of phones supported? I have a droid 1 rooted and can't seem to get it. Also when I upgradmarch 2012 what phone should I be lookng to get through verizon as far as best game phone? Was kinda looking at the droid x2 maybe straight out get it b4 upgrade time cause iam getting tired of my droid..... any suggestions as far as if I should wait or are most of the phones out now gona be around for a while?
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Is there some where I can find a list of phones supported? I have a droid 1 rooted and can't seem to get it. Also when I upgradmarch 2012 what phone should I be lookng to get through verizon as far as best game phone? Was kinda looking at the droid x2 maybe straight out get it b4 upgrade time cause iam getting tired of my droid..... any suggestions as far as if I should wait or are most of the phones out now gona be around for a while?

Market Web Link

Gameloft said:
HTC Desire HD (Ace)
HTC Inspire 4G
HTC Desire S
HTC Desire Z (G2, Vision)
HTC Evo Shift 4G
HTC Incredible 2
HTC Incredible S
HTC MyTouch 4G
HTC Thunderbolt 4G
LG P990 Optimus 2X (Star)
LG P999 (Star, G2x)
Motorola Droid X
Samsung Google Nexus S
Samsung Google Nexus S 4G
Samsung GT-i9000 (Galaxy S, i9000M, i9000B, i9000T)
Samsung GT-i9100 (Galaxy S II)
Samsung SC-02B (Galaxy S)
Samsung SCH-i400 (Continuum)
Samsung SCH-i500 (Fascinate, Galaxy S)
Samsung SGH-T959 (Vibrant)
Samsung SPH-D700 (Epic 4G)
Samsung GT-P1000 (Galaxy Tab)
Samsung SCH-i800 (Galaxy Tab)
Samsung SGH-T849 (Galaxy Tab)
Samsung SPH-P100 (Galaxy Tab)
Sony-Ericsson SO-01C (Xperia Arc)
Sony-Ericsson XPERIA Arc
Sony-Ericsson Xperia Neo
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Is there some where I can find a list of phones supported? I have a droid 1 rooted and can't seem to get it. Also when I upgradmarch 2012 what phone should I be lookng to get through verizon as far as best game phone? Was kinda looking at the droid x2 maybe straight out get it b4 upgrade time cause iam getting tired of my droid..... any suggestions as far as if I should wait or are most of the phones out now gona be around for a while?

It's going to get harder and harder to find new "top end" games that work on the Droid. I'm not going to say the Droid x2 will be "outdated," but there should be several quadcore phones out by March 2012. The new Nexus 3 is supposed to come out this winter, which will be running the IceCream version of Android and it will have a quadcore processor.
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I just started this game... It's really good, but I have the obvious complaint. Not being able to play over 3g... Does anyone know if there is a way to "fake" the phone into thinking 3g is wifi... rooted or unrooted? I know it can be done won the iPhone if it is jailbroken.

Yeah, wifi only is a major killer for the game. And Gameloft's response to it just screams "We don't care".

Gameloft said:
We're currently studying the possibility of bringing such a change to the game. We want to make sure that the game experience will not suffer from it before making any final decision.

What we need is for someone to make a "3g Unrestrictor" app for android, that's how IOS players play it on 3g.
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Got this working on my Nook Color now looks and works awesome. Had to make a new character till cross integrated. Hopefully Evo 3D version be out soon so I can do some in app purchases from it, mostly just to update subscription if needed. Yeah wifi only sucks but I only play mmos at home usually. But pocket legend runs off 3g 4g or wifi so this should too if possible.
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